Chapter 6

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A blonde elf slides on the forest floor under the spider facing Thorin, slicing it in half, and comes up kneeling with an arrow nocked in his bow and pointed at Thorin. "Do not think I won't kill you, dwarf. It would be my pleasure." He tells Thorin

I look closer and noticed its Legolas. Soon several other Mirkwood elves appear, drawing arrows and pointing them at us completely surrounded and outnumbered us.

"Help!" We hear Kili shouts

"Kili!" Fili shouts

We turn around and see a spider pulling Kili away by his foot. I look to see a female Elf kill three spiders with her bow and knife, then kills the spider pulling Kili with an arrow. She turns to attack another spider behind her, and yet another spider rushes toward Kili. the female elf kills her spider with a knife, then spins and throws the knife, killing the spider that was attacking Kili. He looks at her in amazement.

"Search them," Legolas tells his men

They approach us and start searching. I let out a few hated words in Elvin's tongue as they take all of my weapons. I see an elf confiscates two of Fili's knives.

"Hey! Give it back! That's private!" Glion says

I look over to see Legolas holding a picture that must belong to Gloin

"Who is this? Your brother?" he asks Gloin

"That is my wife!" Gloin tells him

"And what is this horrid creature? A goblin mutant?" He asks disgustedly

I look at him. I know he doesn't like dwarves, but that is just cruel.

"That's my wee lad, Gimli., Gloin says

Legolas raises his eyebrow at Gloin in contempt. An elf hands Legolas Thorin's sword, and he inspects it wide-eyed "Echannen i vegil hen vin Gondolin. Magannen nan Gelydh. (This is an ancient Elvish blade. Forged by my kin.) He said

"Where did you get this?" He asked Thorin in common tongue

"It was given to me." Thorin answers

He points the sword at Thorin. "Not just a thief, but a liar as well."

"How dare you Legolas." I say stepping next to Thorin " How dare you call him a thief and liar just because he's a dwarf."

His eyes widen and lowers the sword "Kaya why are you here?"

Ignore his question "I can see you still have Grandfather's way of thinking dear Uncle."

"What are you doing with a group of dwarves?" He asks coldly

"That is none of your business," I growl

"You are banished from Mirkwood. why are you here?"

"I know," I say garseing to the others "we're just passing through. So if you mind we'll be on our way." I try to pass

He put out the sword stopping me "Sorry Kaya but you know that is up to the king." Pushing me back towards the others then turns to the elves "Enwenno hain!" (Take them!)

The elves begin to lead us away. As we begin to walk, I see the anger in Thorins. I look down sad and soon I see a hand grab mine I look to see Bofur with a small smile as he gently squeezed my hand then he looked around.

"Thorin, where's Bilbo?" he whispers to Thorin

I see Thorin look around and so do I and see no sign of Bilbo as we are led over a bridge and into the Woodland Realm. All of us minus Thorin are taken down to the Mirkwood dungeons, elf guards started shoving us into cells.

I hear some of the dwarves yelling at them, once I'm put in a cell. I walk to the back corner and sat down on the stone bench there. I hold my legs to my chest and bare my face.

I hear the cell door open a few seconds after being closed but I just sit there as I hear someone say: Aren't you going to search me? I could have anything down my trousers." I realize it's Kili trying to sound innocent

"Or nothing." said a female elf's voice

with that, the cell door was shut

"Kaya," Kili asked concerned

I don't answer just sitting there wishing he could go away.

"Kaya, are you alright?" He asked as feel his arms wrap around me and pulls me towards him "Please talk to me."

I try to push on his chest lightly, tearing up "Kili stay away please." I whispered sitting up to look at him

"Why Kaya?" He asks putting a hand on my cheek, rubbing it with his thumb

I grab his hand and remove it from my face and hold it"Because Thorin forbids us." I say letting go of his hand

He frowned "Oh, you heard us."

"Well, only parts of it. And Thorin right we can never be together Kee. "

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, our kin will never accept that, they hate each other too much Kili." I said looking away "Besides I won't want to ruin your life or title anyway."

He grabs one hand holding it close to him and lifts my chin with the other looking into my eyes "Do you think I care more about a title than you. As for my life, there is nothing you could to ruin it because your the most bravest, loyal, kindest, and beautiful woman I've ever met and I love you too much." He smiled

"Y-You what?"

"I said I love you, Kaya." He whispers

I smiled and Pull him in for a kiss. As we kiss I could feel all the fear and doubt start to melt away. We broke apart, placing our foreheads together smiling. "Kili I-I love you too," I whispered

He sighs happily

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