Chapter 2

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When we got back to Avengers Tower I took a shower and started eating some cheerios. I started to hear a conversation coming from the living room. I turned around in my chair to see Tony and Steve arguing.

¨We have to figure this out.¨ This came from Steve who seemed more than frustrated.

¨I know that, Steve!¨ Tony snapped at him. They were always fighting and I was sick of it. I got up from the table and walked over to see what they were talking about.

¨What's wrong?¨ I asked, knowing they probably wouldn't tell me anyways.

¨Uh, just trying to find a way to kill Thanos.¨ Tony said. He gave me a small, pity smile.

¨We'll be able to save them, right?¨ I ask him.

¨We can, and we will.¨ He gave me a determined look.

¨How long will it take?¨ This question made him look a little less confident.

¨Well that, Lex, I'm not so sure.¨ He looked at me with more sadness and I slumped. ¨Hey, why don't you get some sleep?¨

¨Sure.¨ I walk back to my bedroom, heartbroken. Peter was gone, and I didn't even know when he'd be back, or if he would at all. I laid in bed and close my eyes and I found that I was unable to sleep. So I got up, I paced around and tried again but nothing helped. To much was on my mind. So I grabbed my wrist projector, something Shuri gave me as a parting gift the last time I was in Wakanda. I turned it on, hoping to watch some Netflix or something. Instead I found a email from Tony. I opened it and found a video clip along with a message.

Lex, I know this is hard. It's hard for me too. But as you probably know, these are some memories of Peter. This video has helped me so far. I hope it does the same for you. - T.S.

I clicked to open the video and sat on the edge of my bed. The first clip I saw was of him being Spider-Man. He's swinging from building to building. He tripped over something and fell. I let out a small laugh. He was so cute in such an innocent way. The next clip showed Peter on a date, with me. I immediately laughed because I remembered that night. It was our first date. Tony had come along to spy on us. I let the video play and I saw Peter laughing and pushing the camera out of the way.

¨Hey Mr. Stark!¨ He said. ¨Watch this!¨ He pulled me into an unexpected kiss, our first one too.

¨Whoa, whoa. No, no, no. Keep things G-rated, Parker!¨ I heard Tony cringe. The video skipped onto the next clip. This one showed the time Tony recruited Peter into The Avengers. We were all on the flying doughnut and Peter was freaking out about becoming an Avenger, his lifelong dream. It was nice to see him so happy.

¨I'm an Avenger, ¨ He said to himself.

I smiled, knowing how much this meant to him. I smiled in real life too, then quickly stopped, remembering that that moment was only a few hours before he was killed. It just wasn't fair, why was I the one to live? Why him? I was beyond angry with Thanos. And there was nothing I could do about it. The video moved on, showing the time Tony originally offered Peter a place on the team.

¨You know Mr. Stark, I'd like to stay the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man for a little while longer, but thanks,¨ He said before walking, hand in hand with me.

¨That was a test, right?¨ Peter quickly turned around and asked.

¨Y-yes!¨ Tony quickly said, even though he looked surprised by the question. ¨And you passed.¨

¨Good.¨ He turned around and I walked him out to Happy's car.

¨You didn't have to do that, Peter,¨ I said to him. Frankly, I've always wondered why Peter turned Tony down that day.

¨I don't know, someone's gotta look out for the little guy.¨ He shrugged. He was so considerate and sometimes he didn't even know it.

¨Well, that's very chivalrous of you, Parker. But I have to say, I'm surprised,¨ I started.

¨It just... seemed like the wrong time.¨

¨The wrong time! Peter, becoming an Avenger has been what you've wanted forever!¨

¨It's okay Lex, Mr. Stark won't be gone tomorrow, I'll have other chances.¨ He said sweetly, grabbing my hand.

¨Oh Spider-boy, you're in for a ride,¨ I said and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

¨Always have, always will be, my little lightning girl,¨ He teased. The video came to a stop and I wiped a tear that I had let run down to my jaw. I got into bed played the video over and over again until I eventually cried myself to sleep.

¨I miss you, Spider-boy,¨ I whispered.

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