Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning in my bed. I don't remember ever leaving the bathroom. But I'm sure Tony or Peter had something to do with it. I rolled out of my bed with much regret. My torso was not having it today. Plus I had a headache the size of the sun. I zombie walked to the elevator. I was hungry.

¨Morning, Lex.¨ I turn and see Tony sitting with a cup of coffee.

¨Oh, good morning, Tony,¨ I mumble. ¨What time is it?¨

¨Umm... nearly seven,¨ He said.

¨Where is everyone?¨

¨Training, but Peter's in his room. He wanted to go train to but I told him no. He'd probably like to see you,¨ Tony said, never looking up from his tablet.

¨Okay.¨ I started leaving but Tony stopped me.

¨Oh, and Alex?¨


¨Peter had a pretty rough nightmare last night. But I don't think he wants you to know. Just... try and comfort him for me, will ya?¨ Tony looked at me.

¨Is he okay?¨

¨Yeah, yeah. Everything will be fine,¨ He reassured me.

¨Okay... ¨ I got up to go to Peter's room. I knocked on the door and he let me in.

¨Hey,¨ He said softly.

¨Hey. How'd you sleep?¨

¨Crappily, bad dreams.¨

¨I'm sorry... ¨ I sit on his bed as he goes tinkering back at his desk. ¨Do you wanna talk about it?¨ He took in a deep breath.

¨There was this voice... She told me that she was going to break me. Starting by killing the people I love.¨ Peter looked away from me.

¨Who do you think it is?¨

¨I don't know. I didn't recognize the voice.¨

¨Did you tell Tony?¨ I already knew the answer.

¨Yeah... ¨


¨I'm still scared... ¨

¨I know, I am too. But remember what Tony said all those years ago?¨

¨Turn fear into courage, weakness into strength, and pain into power.¨

¨Exactly, I'm glad you told Tony.¨

¨I don't know what he's gonna do about it.¨

¨So? You told him and that's all that matters.¨

¨I guess... ¨

¨Hey,¨ I got up and pulled him from the chair into a hug. ¨We'll be okay, we have to be.¨ He nodded as I silently cried into his shoulder. We stayed there, with each other, because with each other was all we've ever wanted.

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