Chapter 12

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Terrified, I watched as the beam fell. Reliving Homecoming night. I froze, but hearing the assassin's malicious cackling brought me back.

¨Who are you?¨ I demanded, even though I knew the question was rhetorical.

¨Does it really matter though? I know who you are, Parker. You and Alex are two of the brightest teenagers in New York. I would've thought you at least knew me.¨ She sauntered forward. She was wearing a lilac suit, her light blonde hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail. The look was finished off with a silver mask circling her eyes.

¨Peter... ¨ Alex's voice was wary with warning. ¨What do we do?¨

¨Put the kids in another classroom, they'll be safe. It's us she wants,¨ I said grimly. I waited as Alex hurriedly put the kids in a room. She came back, looking as fierce as ever.

¨What do you want with us?¨ She demanded.

¨Why, I thought Parker here would've told you. Hmm.¨ She snickered and I started to panic. I had only ever told Mr. Stark about the dream.

¨Peter, what is she talking about?¨ Alex looked over to me.

¨I-I uh... ¨ I struggled to find the words, while the villain laughed.

¨You can call me The Violet Assassin, sweetie. And your ¨Boyfriend¨ here killed my family.¨

¨What!¨ I proclaimed. This was ridiculous, I never killed anyone.

¨Oh don't act like you don't know!¨ She snapped. ¨My brother was there the night you stopped the robbery!¨

¨Peter... ¨ Alex looked to me, her face full shock. ¨The weapons... ¨ And then it hit me, her brother... he was one of the guys I fought with the weapons.

¨I-¨ I started.

¨It's too late for apologies. But it is never too late for revenge. You killed my brother, I kill your girlfriend. It's just the price.¨ She fired another ball of energy at my face. I duck to the side, my spidey-sense coming being handy yet again.

¨Alex,¨ I said. ¨How do we fight her?¨

¨I don't know, try webbing up her hands.¨ She gave me a sideways glance.

¨Distract her.¨ I dodged another blast. Alex danced around the Violet Assassin, barely avoiding getting hit. I knew I only had a little time. I desperately tried to aim my webs at her hands, but she moved way too much. I guess I was out of practice.

¨Peter! Hurry!¨ Alex cried out. I knew she couldn't do that much longer.

¨I'm trying!¨ I yelled back. I finally managed to get some webs attached to her feet, sticking her to the ground.

¨Yes!¨ I whispered to myself. Now that she couldn't move I was able to cover her hands in my webbing.

¨There's nowhere to go!¨ I heard Alex shout. I joined her, facing the Violet Assassin.

¨You underestimate me,¨ She laughed.

¨What do you mean?¨ I demanded as she laughed some more.

¨You know exactly what I mean!¨ She cackled. And with a bright blue light, she was gone.

¨Peter, what was that?... ¨ Alex's voice was raised.

¨I-I don't know. It was almost looked like... ¨ I trailed off. There was no way it was possible.

¨What, Peter?¨

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