Chapter 14

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Alex was scaring me. I didn't know what was wrong and when I tried to ask she would just push me away. Lex had fallen asleep by the time Mr. Stark found us. She didn't seem to want to be alone so we took her to the medwing where we could keep an eye on her. That was forty minutes ago. I sat next to her bed. She looked fine for the most part. Just some dark circles around her eyes and her hair was a bit tangled but she looked just as perfect to me. Alex moved once or twice but never spoke a word. And she never woke up. I hadn't slept at all and it was getting to me. I had almost fallen asleep many times. But Alex said she wanted me to stay, and so I would. I just couldn't leave her. She was one of the few people I had left. She was my everything now.

"Peter?" I snapped my head up when I heard the gentle female voice call my name. I turned my head to see Wanda Maximoff standing in the doorway. I guess I was so deep in thought I didn't hear her come in. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle. I just- I thought I should... ya, know." She motioned towards Alex and I realized that for second I forgot Wanda was her sister. I mean... can you blame me? They were barely in the same room anymore.

"Oh, yea. Sure. Come in." Wanda's face relaxed a bit as she sat in the on the other side of the bed. We stared in silence for a bit. Thinking, hoping that Alex was okay. I could've sworn I saw some tears fall from her face once or twice. Then it hit me... Alex really was all she had left. First Pietro, then Vision. At least I still had Mr. Stark. If she lost Alex too, who knew what would happen.

"Peter," I looked up. Wanda was trying to communicate with me... "You should go to bed. It's been a long night and you haven't slept much. I'll watch her. She'll be fine and I'll let you know if she wakes up." I slowly stood, slumping my way to my room. It was then that I realized just how tired I was. As I reached the elevator Mr. Stark came up to me.

"Hey, Peter. Listen kid, I know now isn't the best time for the with Alex and everything, but Child Services emailed me. They asked who would take care of you. So, I have a few options for you, I can send you to an orphanage, or adopt you..." His words hit me like a smack to the face. I think I even stumbled back a bit. "Of course, completely up to you," He quickly added. I knew this had been coming, so I knew what I really wanted. But I didn't know if Mr. Stark would be okay with it.

"I-I don't know. I don't want to go to an orphanage because I'd leaving Alex. As for adoption... are you really up for that?" I looked up at him and he looked surprised, maybe even a little hurt.

"Of course, Peter. I'd do anything for you." My lower lip quivered. I never knew he cared this much. I rushed forward and tackled him in a hug.

"Thank you, Mr. Stark. I- I would like that." I let the silent tears fall as he wrapped his strong arms around me.

"Okay," He said. After a moment I let go. "You should get some rest." I nodded. I got in the elevator and took it to my room. I flopped down on my bed. Squinting my eyes, I tried to block everything out. Why was Alex so scared? Why didn't she want to be alone? Nothing made sense anymore. I just wished that things would be like they were before. Before Thanos, before we were put through hell. I wish Alex had the chance to be a normal girl, so she didn't have to feel this pain. She could've at least told me what was going on, that way she didn't have to go through this alone. Why didn't she trust me? Oh god, did I do something wrong? I mentally sighed. If she didn't trust me anymore the least I could do was trust her.


I woke up and my first initial thought was that it stunk. I was in a hospital, no, I was in the medwing. I groaned. Why was I here? Last thing I remembered I was on the roof with Peter. Was I hurt? I didn't think so. I looked around and saw Wanda sitting in a chair next to my bed, reading a book.

"Wanda?" I asked. Where was Peter? She looked up from her book.

"Oh! You're up, good. I'll go get Peter." Before I could say anything, she set her book down and left. I sighed. Why was I even here? I just told Peter that I didn't want to be alone. I stood up and walked around a bit. I stood near the huge glass windows. The sun shined in my face, making me squint.

"Hello, Alex." I whirled around, only to come face to face with my former foe. The Violet Assassin.

"How did you get in here?" I demanded.

"Doesn't matter." She walked towards me, tossing something between her hands. I back away cautiously.

"What do you want?" She just smiled and thrusted a piece of cold metal into my side. I gasped as I felt pain course through my body, it was a taser. I tried fighting her but it hurt too much. The room started getting fuzzy, very slowly. Then everything went black.


Wanda had come to tell me Alex had woken up. I checked the clock. 7:30. She had slept for a decent two hours. I got up and started walking towards the medwing. I opened the door and looked around but Alex wasn't there. I looked out the window and saw her, The Violet Assassin. She held Alex in her arms. She broke the glass and fired a grappling hook to a nearby building. She looked over her shoulder and winked at me.Then she was gone. I ran out the door. They couldn't get far. I found my suit in my room and quickly put it on. I opened my window and jumped out, spraying webbing to keep myself from falling. Why didn't Alex fight back? Whatever, it didn't matter now. I had to save her.


I woke up in an abandoned building. My arms were tied to a pole above my head. I looked up and saw her, The Violet Assassin sitting in a chair, watching me.

She smiled. "Good, you're up Now the fun can begin." She walked towards me, I tried using my powers to fight her but nothing happened. I looked up at my bonds, they were blocking my powers. Great. Just, fantastic. She squatted down in front of me.

"What do you want?" I asked bitterly.

She smirked, "Revenge."

"From who? What did we ever do to you?" She stood up, ticked off.

"Your boyfriend killed my brother, the last family I had." I stared at her, terrified and confused.

"Peter would never kill anyone."

"That's where you're wrong, Alex. My brother died in that attack on the bank. The one Peter tried to stop. If he had just kept his nose out of it, he would still be alive!"

"So what are you going to do?" I spat. "Kill him?"

She smiled at me once again, "No, I'm going to put him through so much pain that he will want to die. But I won't kill him."

I dropped my head, "The worst kind of torture, you're going to kill me."

"Not just you, Tony, Ned, MJ, everyone he loves. He will finally feel what I've felt for so long."

"Who are you?" She pulled away the cloth covering her nose and mouth.

"My name is Erika.¨

A/N: So, sorry for the cliffhanger, again. (Not really). So, turns out, I forgot about the whole ship name thing. I think I'm going to go with Palex. But I'm always open to suggestions. So anyway, this is actually one of the last chapters. We've got a chapter left and then a really short epilogue. But I wouldn't worry too much. I've been thinking of doing a sequel. The sequel will be called Spider-Man and The Lightning Girl: Race To The Space Stone. Remember that little plot hole in the last chapter about the stones? Wellllllllll Alex and Peter may just try to find them all. Okay, I should stop myself before I spoil anything else. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter, bye.

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