Chapter 8

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Peter had stopped talking to me. At first I thought he was to upset but now it felt like he didn't feel the same way anymore. Whatever, I was probably paranoid. He did just lose his last living family. At least I still had Wanda. I just missed him. But if he didn't want to talk, I wasn't going to make him. I could respect that. The week had gone by incredibly slow. I was completely bored out of my mind. I wanted to talk to someone about what was happening with Peter. But Tony was busy planning Aunt May's funeral. My sister just wouldn't understand. And I wasn't really close enough to anyone else. So I guess I was alone. It was enough to drive someone insane. Not that I didn't like being alone. Sometimes, I actually preferred it. But there's a difference between being alone and being lonely. I think that when Peter stopped talking to everyone we stopped as a whole. It was like Peter was the life of the team. With his happiness gone, ours was too. It almost felt like we weren't a team anymore. And that hurt. We had stopped doing movie nights and family dinners. Even Nat, Steve, and Sam's workout sessions were disbanded. I don't think any of us meant to do it. It just happened. I mean, it was bound to, without Peter keeping it up. I wanted my family back. I missed them, I missed Peter. I sighed and picked up my dirty clothes and threw them into the hamper. I rested my forehead on the wall. I was so tired of this. Obviously no one cared about each other anymore. So why should I? I knew why, they were my family. My friends. They helped me when I couldn't help myself. They rescued me and my siblings from Ultron. We had been through everything together. Why couldn't we pull through this? Maybe when Peter gave up, we did too. I hear a knock and it startled me so much that I jumped.

¨Come in!¨ I say, expecting it to be Tony, reminding me about breakfast. I go back yo picking up my room.

¨Lex?¨ I hear his voice and whirl around so fast that I swear I was faster than Pietro.

¨Peter... ¨ I breath out. He captures me in a tight hug.

¨I'm so sorry, Alex. I missed you so much.¨

¨You jerk,¨ I sobbed into his shirt. He stayed quiet. And he should've, I hated being shut out. Especially when I didn't know what I did wrong.

¨I know, I'm sorry, but it's done now. I'm not going anywhere.¨I wanted to believe it, but how could I?

¨I'm okay.¨ I pull back and wipe my cheeks.

¨Alex... ¨

¨No, It's okay. I get it, you've got enough to worry about with me in the way.¨

¨Alex, you're all I'm worried about,¨ He says. He gently reaches for my hands, and I don't know why, but I let him.He was one of the few people I had left. I couldn't lose him because of my own doubts.

¨I lost you once, Peter, I refuse to lose you again.¨ I paused to let it all sink in. ¨I've missed you, Spider-boy.¨ I rest my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around my back, keeping me there. I poured myself into him. Loving him and all of his flaws with everything I had. Because I did love him, all of him. Not just the parts that are perfect.

¨Please... please don't go,¨ I request.

¨I'm not going anywhere. I'm with you... ¨

¨Til the end of the line.¨ I started sobbing, it probably wasn't going to happen that way in the end. One of us will end up dying or something. It's grim, but it's the truth. But the future doesn't matter, it's how we get there. And I was going to make the most of it. Why, you ask? Because, that's what love is.

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