Chapter 10

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Aunt May's funeral was held that weekend. Everyone in the tower came. Plus Ned, MJ, and a few of Aunt May's old friends. Frankly, it was more of a visitation than a funeral. Aunt May never wanted people to mourn over her death. She wanted them to celebrate her life. But that didn't mean I wasn't sad or upset. I walked around with Alex, saying hello and thanking people for coming. Alex did most of the talking. Then the speeches started, a few of Aunt May's friends said some things. Then it was my turn, I didn't have anything prepared. Even though Alex had suggested I should. I just didn't feel like doing it. I sluggishly walked up to the front of the pavilion, dreading what was coming.

¨Hey everyone. Before I start I just wanted to thank everybody for showing up today.¨ I swallowed my fear. ¨Words cannot describe May Parker. Sister, Wife, Daughter, Aunt, Friend. May was an extraordinary person. Loved by many, loved many. She will be missed dearly. And though she is no longer with us, I have no doubt that she has impacted our lives and that her spirit will live on within us.¨ I let out a shaky breath, surprised by the words that came from my mouth. I walked back to my seat next to Alex, she grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

¨You did good, Peter,¨ She leaned and whispered in my ear. I nodded, not really there. Mr. Stark walks up, thanks people for coming and it's over. Ned and MJ say goodbye, Mr. Stark insists on having Happy drive them home. Mr. Stark drove Alex and I back to the tower.

¨You okay?¨ Alex asked softly.

¨Yeah.¨ I smile at her. ¨Just thinking.¨ Lex was wearing a simple, short, black dress. She looked quite pretty in it.

¨Good,¨ She said and leaned into me and laid her head against my shoulder. I kissed the top of her head. Alex was something so special, I don't know how I deserved her, or why she chose me. But I promised myself I wouldn't let her get away. And I don't break promises.

3 days later

I woke up to the sound of dog barks. I groaned and rolled over in my bed to find my alarm clock. 6:03. I groaned some more and got out of bed to shut my window.

¨Good morning, Mr. Parker,¨ I heard F.R.I.D.A.Y. say to me. ¨Mr. Stark would like to see you in his lab.¨ I let out a sigh.

¨Of course he would,¨ I muttered. I stumbled my way to my bathroom to shower. It only took a few minutes for the task to be completed. I quickly got dressed into a T-shirt and some jeans. The past few days had been pretty quiet for the Avengers. We weren't used to it. I think we were all expecting some big threat to arrive soon. I mean, other than the dream I had, everything seemed pretty normal. I made my way over to the elevator and pushed a button that would lead me to Mr. Stark's lab.

¨Mr. Stark?¨ I called out. ¨F.R.I.D.A.Y. said you wanted to see me?¨ I started searching for him through all of the desks full of technology and experiments. I round the corner of a work area and find Alex and Mr. Stark talking to each other.

¨Oh! Good morning, Peter. Here, have a seat,¨ Mr. Stark said.

¨Thanks.¨ I sat down.

¨So, I wanted to talk with you two about some things.¨ I looked over to Alex and she seemed just as confused.

¨Like?...¨ She pressed.

¨I want you to go back to school,¨ He said quickly.

¨Like, together?¨ Alex questioned. I had forgotten that Alex had never been in school. She grew up in the hands of Ultron. They may have taught her a few academic things but they didn't care about that much. After the Avengers had saved her and her siblings, Mr. Stark taught them a little bit. But she was still missing a good eleven years of school.

¨Yes, Peter will help you with your classes. You'll go back to his school. And Peter, I pushed for you to still move ahead a grade. They agreed because of your IQ. You'll have to keep it up, okay? I know you won't disappoint.¨ Alex nodded, this was a lot to take in and it made me even more stressed out.

¨When do we start?¨ I blurt out. I was excited to get back to school, to see Ned and MJ.

¨Tomorrow,¨ He said flatly.

¨What? Wait, wait. How are you even authorized to make these decisions?¨ Alex asked, clearly not liking the idea of starting high school so soon.

¨Well, Wanda technically has custody over you, Alex. But she agreed to let me do this. And Peter, I know we haven't talked about it, but Child Services came by a little after your Aunt died. And, well, I signed a few paper that made me your legal guardian.¨ I took this in, very slowly. Processing the information was difficult, to say the least. I had mixed feelings over it. When I didn't say anything Mr. Stark started up again. ¨But of course, if that's not what you want, Peter, I can-¨

¨No, no. It's okay. I'd rather have you be my guardian than some stranger. So, thank you,¨ I rambled.

¨Tomorrow... ¨ Alex repeated softly. I couldn't imagine what was going through her head at this point. She would finally have a chance to go to school, to feel something normal for once. ¨Peter, I'm going to high school!¨ She jumped out of her chair, reality finally hitting her. ¨Oh my god, what am I going to wear? I need all of my stuff. I-¨

¨Alex, chill. I already had Happy go out and buy your supplies. And well, for your clothes, I'm sure you'll be able to find something in that Narnia of a closet.¨ Alex relaxed a bit. She sat back down and bit her lip to stop herself of anymore outbursts.

¨And as I said, Peter, you will have to show Alex around for the first week or so. Help her catch up in anything.¨ We nodded. ¨Okay, so, you two are good to go?¨

¨Yea,¨ I say quietly.

¨Great, now go entertain yourselves or something,¨ He turned back to his computer and continued typing. Alex got up and headed for the elevator. I rushed to meet up with her.

¨Hey,¨ I said.

¨Hey, so, big day tomorrow, huh?¨ She looked at me sideways and smiled.

¨Yeah, I guess. I'm just nervous,¨ I mumbled.

¨I am too, but I'm also really excited.¨ I followed Alex to her room. She started digging through her closet as I sat on her bed. ¨So, what's it like?¨


¨Yeah.¨ She paused and held a shirt in her hand, running her thumb over it. She gave me a worried look.

¨School's hard, but it can be fun too. It's more of the people at school than actual school,¨ I said, thinking about Flash Thompson.



¨I'm scared... ¨ She looked to her feet.

¨Alex... ¨

¨What if they don't like me?¨ Ridiculous, no one, and I meant no one could dislike Aleksandra Maximoff. Believe me, it's impossible. I got up and hugged her from behind, pulling her close to me.

¨I like you, Alex. Ned and MJ like you. You already have friends. Who cares what other people think?¨ I snuggled close to her neck, wanting her to feel loved. She turned around and placed her arms around my neck.

¨Thank you, Spider-boy.¨ She looked up at me.

¨Anytime, my little lightning girl,¨ I whispered. She pulled my head close to hers and kissed me. I kissed her back strongly. My hands firmly placed upon her lower back, pulling her into me. Her breath tasted like warm mint, like she had just brushed her teeth. Her soft lips tickled mine. It was pretty much the best superhero kiss ever.

A/N: Hello, so Here is the next chapter. What do you think of Alex and Peter? I feel it is time for a ship name so I have a few options: Palex(My personal favorite), Leter, Lexter, Plexter. And of course whatever you come up with! Just leave a comment stating which one you would prefer and the ship name will be announced in my next update. Bye for now!

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