Chapter 4 - Sunflower

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He walks me to my locker. I was used to being invisible but now everybody was staring at me. When we arrive at my locker he says

" I'll see you soon."

And walks off without saying another word.


I stood there for a little while looking as he walked away. I packed my books and while walking I felt a soft touch on my shoulder. Turning my head I saw Molly. The most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She has black hair that reaches her shoulders, freckles, a cute small nose, decent height and deep blue eyes. Not to mention her smile, no wonder her boyfriend is truly in love with her.

" Hi, Molly."

I chuckled.

"What's up bestie? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

She put an emphasis on forever. We talked as we walked down the hallway to our class. I explained my situation with Aiden and she listened. Soon enough the bell rang and the teacher entered. My first class was History. Ugh. I hate History. I sat through the rest of the lessons until lunch break. Molly and I went out into the quad and sat under the big cherry tree where we always sat. I put my hand into my bag and found a sandwich with a note on it that said

' Enjoy the sandwich I made. Xoxo Aiden'

I smiled at this and Molly noticed

" What are you smiling at? Come on, show me."

"No." I chuckled.

" Pleeease?"

" Fine."

I hesitantly passed the note to her and she read it.

" Awwww how cute. I ship it."

She then looked somewhere alse and I followed her gaze. I noticed Molly's boyfriend but he wasn't walking alone. He was walking with Aiden. They soon reached where we sat and joined us. Blake, Molly's boyfriend sat behind her while giving her a quick kiss on her lips. They look so happy. Soon I felt an arm around my waist and saw that it was Aiden:

" Hey you," he said smiling brightly at me.

" Hey," I said shyly

" How's the sandwich? Do you like it?"

" I love it, the best sandwich I have ever eaten." I smiled at him.

" I'm glad you like it."

We talked for the rest of the lunch break about stupid stuff and goofed around a bit. We got to know each other more. Soon we had to go back to classes. I packed my stuff and got up to leave but Aiden grabbed my wrist and whispered in my ear:

" Meet me outside of school after lessons."

I nodded and he let go of my wrist. After another two boring lessons, I packed my bags and went outside the school to see Aiden with a single sunflower in his hand. I put my hand against my mouth in surprise and slowly walked towards him. He handed me the flower and I wrapped my arms around him tightly. He was a little stiff at the beginning but he later loosened up and gave in. He pulled away after about 2 minutes and said:

" Come on we have somewhere to be," he said with an excited tone.

" Okay," I said looking him deeply in the eyes.

He opened the door for me and I got in the car. He soon got in too and inserted the keys and turned on the engine before saying :

" Are you ready?"

"Yes," I said

Then he drove onto the road.


Published February 16th,2019

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