Chapter 7 - Big Test

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" Thank you for that. I really appreciate it." I blushed slightly.

" No problem. I just couldn't bare him talking to you like that," he said as he turned his face towards the ground.

I stood in the door frame and said

" Goodnight dummy." I giggled

" Goodnight dolly." He said with a raspy voice and left.


I walked to my bedroom with a smirk. I changed into my pyjamas and got ready for bed. When I was laying in bed my phone vibrated. Looking at the screen I smiled when Aiden's name appeared.

' One message from 'Aiden''

Aiden: Hey I wanted to remind you about your test tomorrow and wish you goodnight again xoxo Aiden

Angela: Goodnight dummy

I slowly closed my eyes as I put my phone away on my bedside table. With a smile, I drifted off to sleep. The next morning my phone started ringing. Why does school start so early? With tiredness, I walked to my bathroom and splashed my face with cold water to wake myself up. When I finally got ready and dressed, I walked downstairs to eat breakfast with my family. My dad was there too. When I finished I heard a horn outside signalling that Aiden was outside. I rushed into his car and he drove off. I was breathing heavily because of all the stress for today's test. Aiden looked at me and noticed my breathing, so to try to calm me down he put his hand on my knee and gently rubbed it in circles. I looked at him and smiled. Soon we arrived at school and walked to my locker. It was now a daily occurrence for Aiden to walk me there.

" Stop stressing so much dolly. You'll do amazing. I know it." he said with confidence as he engulfed me into a hug.

" How can you be so confident in me while I don't even believe in myself?" I said burring my chin into his shoulder.

" You are one of the smartest people I know. I mean apart from myself." He said this as he pulled away and brushed some dust off his shoulder.

" You are the most arrogant people I have ever met." I laughed and he soon joined me.

" But also one of the hottest." He said while he spun around.

I rolled my eyes and pretended to be checking him out. Okay, maybe not pretending but can you blame me? The bell soon rang and soon it was time for my test. I walked to my desk and Aiden sat behind me. I turned around and saw him giving me a thumbs up. I tried to force a smile and turned back 'round. The teacher soon gave out the papers and we began. After a long hour, the bell rang again. Mr Wilson collected the papers and said

" Okay students, the results will be out on Friday. You will be able to find them in front of the class in front." He said as he tucked all the papers into his bag.

I got up and felt a piece of paper hit the back of my head. I turn around to see who it was. I was not surprised to see Aiden with his feet on the desk looking at me. I looked down at the piece of paper and saw the message on it.

' I'm taking you out since school is over'

I looked back up at him and smiled. He already knew that this was a yes and immediately got up from his seat. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the door. The whole school was now looking at us as he walked me down the corridor. I got a little nervous and whispered

" Aiden the whole school is looking at us."

He then soon responded

" Let them ."

While saying this he spun me around, grabbing my waist. He then leaned his forehead against mine. I was not looking deeply into his eyes until his lips brushed against mine. I was a little shocked at first but soon was craving for more. Without hesitation, I pressed my lips against his with passion and delicacy and he soon gave in. I pulled away and grabbed his hand entwining our fingers as he walked out of school.

" What was that for?" He asked still kinda breathless from our kiss

" Dunno. Just wanted to show those bitches that you are mine. At least as a fake boyfriend." I smiled at him and he smiled back

" This is why I like you." He said as he looked into my eyes.

" W-w-what?" I stuttered.

" You heard me. I like you," he said more confidently.


Published 24th February, 2019

Finally a moment! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will be posting every weekend. C ya.

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