Chapter 12 - Midnight Adventure pt.1

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" You will not talk about him like that! He's my friend and he means so much to me. I can't listen to you anymore!" I started to tear up and ran upstairs.

As I did, my mom screamed at me to come back down and taking about grounding me, but I didn't listen. When I reached my room, my dad came outside of the master bedroom. He didn't say anything, instead, he just looked at me. I smashed the door and fell on my bed, face first and cried my eyes out. After a while of soaking my pillow, I heard a quiet knock on my window.


The sound startled me a little bit, but I slowly got up and walked over to the window. As I did a familiar face appeared. Aiden came to see me. I smiled at him and he did the same. God seeing his smile made my day a lot better. When I opened the window we just looked at each other for a little as we enjoyed the moment. When we stopped he gave me his hand and helped me up onto the roof. After walking to the top, we sat down and talked.

" Did you get grounded?" he said as he looked at me

" Yup. Did you?" I asked

" What do you think? I only beat up the guy to the point where he almost lost his consciousness. Obviously yes." he laughed at me and I rolled my eyes

" Well then what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in your room sulking the temporary loss of your freedom?" I said in a serious tone

" Nah, that's boring. I decided to go on a little adventure and wanted to take you along," he said

" Are you crazy?! My mom would kill me if she saw me sneak away" I said in a hushed tone

" That's why she won't see you. Come on we gotta go. Adventure can't wait forever." he stood up and put his hand forward for me to take.

" No," I said as I pouted my lips and folded my arms.

Without any hesitation, he kneeled down, took me into his arms bridal style and walked over to my window. He told me to go in and lock my door, so I did. After that, I walked back out and followed Aiden around the house. When we were finally far enough from my house, he gave me a helmet to put on as he pulled out a motorcycle from the bush. He hopped on and I followed.

As I sat on it, Aiden started the engine. I wrapped my arms around his waist and held on tight. He speeded through the night and I just watched. We drove past various places like bars, lakes, forests and houses, but soon after driving for about 20 minutes, we stopped at this beautiful desert. The sun was already setting, which created a pretty ombre effect. He got off the bike and took my hand, but also had a small picnic basket in his other hand. We walked for a little along the dried sand and cacti until we came to a pond in the middle. I was surprised because I thought these scenarios existed in those movies where the person is stranded in the middle of the desert and they're having hallucinations, but I guess I was wrong. He opened the basket and took out a blanket. He sat on it and patted a spot next to him. I sat down.

" Aiden you always seem to surprise me." I chuckled

" Well, dolly this is one of the many surprises I have in store." He said and after he was done he winked at me.

We continued to talk and watch the sunset until something I never thought would happen took place. When we weren't paying attention a snake sneaked up on us and stung me. I howled in pain as the snake slithered away. Aiden quickly turned to me to see what was going on. When he saw me, he collected everything as quickly as possible and rushed me onto the bike. Driving at the speed of light to the hospital, he made sure to check up on me to see if I was getting any worse. When we finally got there, my vision started to get blurry and I collapsed. The last thing I remember was Aiden running into the hospital to get help.

I thought that this was the end. That I wouldn't be able to see my family, friends or Aiden anymore. That I would have to see them mourn my death because of my stupidity. But the thought of my mom being disappointed with me, just because I disobeyed her once and for the last time was almost killing me. I held onto the thought of all the people I had in my life and tried to stay alive. The bond I had with all these people was keeping me breathing and it helped me get through it.

When I woke up after losing my conscience, everything still was a bit blurry but I could see pretty good. Aiden was sitting on a chair next to my bed while he held my hand as he whispered something under his breath.

" Please, dolly wake up. I don't know what I will do without you." he said as a little tear fell down his cheek " I love you dolly. Do you hear me? I love you." he said as his voice broke.

That was when I knew I can't keep hiding anymore. I shot my eyes open, shot up into a sitting position and pulled him in. I kissed him with all the passion, feelings, lust and love I had for him in my body. He replied with the kiss with the same amount of passion.


Here is the moment I have been waiting to write for a really long time.

Published May 8th, 2019

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