Chapter 6 - Save me

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" How did you know this I haven't told you anything yet," I asked with a confused face.

" Who do you think helped him find the laser tag place and told him that you love sunflowers?" she said all this with a 'duh' face.

I laughed at how stupid I was. This was so easy to figure out and yet, I couldn't do it. Soon classes began. I spent most of the time thinking about all the great people that I had in my life.


Soon it was time for my favourite lesson. Lunch. I came to the place where I always sat and soon my best friends joined me. We ate while we talked and soon it came to the topic of a fair that's supposed to happen soon in our town.

" Hey did you guys hear about the fair?" Molly asked.

" What fair?" Aiden, Blake and I said at the same time.

Molly facepalmed herself with annoyance and continued.

" The one that comes around here every year with rides, cotton candy, photo booths, Ferris wheel and so many more things. How do you guys not know about this? It's the talk the town every time." she said.

I shrugged and continued eating. After swallowing the food in my mouth I said

" Since none of us knew about this fair, apart from Molly, why don't we go this year and have some fun?" I suggested and everybody stared at me.

" The Angela Miller wants to have fun? What a rare sight!" Molly joked around by exaggerating her expression and laughed.

I rolled my eyes and looked back at Aiden who was stuffing his mouth with a sandwich. He stopped dead in his tracks as soon as he noticed I was looking at him. I laughed and he said

" What are you laughing at?" he said with confusion.

" Nothing dummy." I giggled

" Come on tell me or else..." he said trying to scare me with the same face as when I was at his house.

" Or else what?" I said boldly, putting on a straight face

" Or else I will tickle you to death," he said.

He then proceeded to tickle the devil out of me until I gave up and told him.

" This is what you didn't want to tell me. Seriously dolly?" he said annoyed.

" Anyway, I'm in and Blake would probably go with me," said Molly looking back at her boyfriend.

" I'll go too." said Aiden, " but only if Angela goes as my date," he said with confidence.

I nearly choked on my food when he said this. Was this guy serious? I thought for a little if I should actually do this or not and I decided to go with him. For me. To have some fun with the people that make my life better every day and the guy I might have a slight crush on.

" What did you just say?" I said after swallowing my food.

" You heard me. I'm asking you out on a date," he said straight to my face.

I smiled at him as he relaxed his body that was very tense at this moment. I looked at Molly that gave me our secret sign that says ' go for it' and so I said

" I would gladly be your date." I smiled.

School ended soon enough and I went outside. Aiden was already waiting for me since I had to go to his house to study for the test I had tomorrow. We drove to his house, ate something and started as soon as possible. After we finished we decided to watch a movie. After that, it started to get dark so he walked me home. While walking there was a man that looked like he was in his late 40's. We cautiously walked passed him until he said

" Nice ass bitch." He laughed while a smell escaped his mouth and it reeked with alcohol.

" What did you just say?" Aiden was really mad right now I could tell

" Aiden don't pay attention to him. He's drunk." I said softly

" Dolly, stay out of this." He said.

He came closer to the guy and whispered into his ear in a threatening tone

" Don't you talk to her like that." he gritted through his teeth.

" Or what pretty boy? You will hit me? I'm soo scared!." he laughed at his sarcasm and looked at me.

I looked away in discomfort. Aiden noticed this and swung at the guy hitting him straight in the face. He turned away walking towards me. He grabbed my wrist and led me away from the guy. After dropping me off at my house I stood on my tippy toes and gave him a slight kiss on the cheek. I then said

" Thank you for that. I really appreciate it." I blushed slightly.

" No problem. I just couldn't bare him talking to you like that," he said as he turned his face towards the ground.

I stood in the door frame and said

" Goodnight dummy." I giggled

" Goodnight dolly." He said with a raspy voice and left.


Published 20th February, 2019

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