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The land of Ooo is the land that our heroes and villians live. It is quite a diverse land, to say the least. If you look at Ooo from above, it looks like a bald eagle with a roundish body. Also the Northern lights can be seen at some time, like in the beginning of the episode Party Animal. It's climate is generally mild, breezy, and sunny. (well, except the Ice Kingdom and Fire Kingdom) When it storms, knives fall from the sky. There is also a variety of kingdom, mostly governed by princesses, and a pretty wide variety of races that live there. But what do we know about the kingdoms and the Land of Ooo?

Well, it's a pretty tropical climate, (Well, except the Ice Kingdom, but that's magic) and is round in shape. So I predict that it is post- apocalyptic Antarctica. It has a tropical becuase of a shift in climates, or a tilt in the Earth's orbit. Or the radiation still warms the Earth and just isn't so intense at the poles.

Another theory is that Ooo is a super-continent, a continent made of smashed-up other continents like Pangea. It is unlikely, however, because there are other continents on Earth.

Simon is originally from Russia or somewhere around that area. Hints toward this are in the flags outside of his apartment in the videos in Holly Jolly Secrets and his last name, Petrikov. So, if the Ice King is from Russia, Ooo is either Asia, has sections of it that are Asia, or part of Asia is in Ooo. Or Simon and Marcy traveled across oceans before Simon went insane, but that's not likely.

The governments of Ooo are all monarchies, or are all under the rule of one leader. Most are run by princesses, which all end up being captured at one time by the Ice King to be rescued by Finn. Way to empower women by making them helpless!? 

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