Scaly Heads, Scaly Snakes

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During this cute fluffy moment D was plotting how carve up any possible attackers, He was having trouble deciding between the classic rusty knife and his new blowtorch. As a bonus he was also making a list of things to do to Kushina and Minato just in case they try anything.


Alt smiled as he woke. His lovers were holding him in the middle of their hotel bed. The blonde slipped out and went to the window and opened the curtains ...

"AHHHHH!" Omoi and C shot out of bed when they heard Alt scream.

Omoi kneeled next to Alt who looked terrified, "Alt, breathe. What's wrong?"

C stayed calm enough to noticed that Alt was looking at something outside the window. When he looked he saw the Hokage Mountain! The older blonde shut the curtains and Alt started to breathe normally.

"We don't like it here,. We want to leave." Alt gasped.

The dark skinned ninja nodded, "Yeah, this place is weird. Hell, those giant heads scared me too ... I bet one rock would bring the entire thing down."

Alt burst out laughing and leaned against Omoi, "We wish it was that easy."


Minato and Kushina searched frantically for Alt and found him on a roof looking at the Forest of Death watching the second part of the exam.

"Excuse me, Alt. We wanted to talk to you." The hokage said as they approached.

Alt flinched and took a step away, "Your proctor asked us to provide medical assistance in case of an emergency so we have a reason for being here, hokage-sama."

Kushina shook her head frantically, "No, no, no, you aren't in trouble we just ... we want your help ... please, help us find our son."

The masked cloud ninja tilted his head, "We understand that you want your son back, but why do you want force him to stay in a place that probably scares him?"

"This place wouldn't scare him! It's his home!" The redhead insisted.

"Do you know how we became two minds in one body?" The Konoha ninja shook their heads. "We were abused much like your son ... the torment got so bad that one day I had to defend myself ... I was only 6 when I killed for the first time. It was an accident. That's when D came around and told me kill isn't always necessary, but we would be dead if we didn't defend ourselves. It never got easier and neither of my parents cared enough to help me. When we see things that remind us of the place where we used to live ... it terrifies us ... a place filled with pain is not a home."

The minds of the two leaf shinobi were spinning. It shocked them to hear that Naruto could be in the same mentally scarred state of mind.

"Did you ever punish or stop the villagers who hurt your son?" Alt asked as Kushina started crying.

Minato rubbed Kushina's back in a soothing manner, "We were too stupid to stop them when it mattered, but once Naruto ran away and we found out what was going on we had every single person either sent to prison or executed."

Alt gave a nod of approval, "Why is it you never noticed when the abuse was happening?"

"We ... we thought he was just a troublemaker who got hurt a lot ... but that just doesn't make any sense now and it didn't help that we neglected him for his sister." Minato said as he choked back a sob.

The Cloud ninja remained silent for a minute before saying, "We will look for your son-"

Kushina fell to the ground sobbing, "Thank you! Thank you-"

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