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Why did I have to allow you to defile me?
Was I so blinded by love that I couldn't see your true intentions?
It hurts physically
My thoughts hurt me physically
I cry twice a week
My life is a mess
And its all my fault

You know all of this
Yet you come night after night to taint me more
You make sure I'll never be good for another
You said so yourself
That you break me down so I can see no one but you
To remain yours even though you officially have another
And I allow it

I'm falling into ....
My body is destroying itself from the inside
My mind is caving in on itself
Anything but you
The only one who can comfort me
The same one who causes me grief
The one who I wish I never met
You the one person that I regret

Forget the good times
Forget the bad times
All I'm feeling is emptiness and pain
Caused by my relation with you now
Help me

I'm falling into .....

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