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Jung Kook rested his head trying to fall asleep. Despite of how busy he was these days, he found out that it was hard to fall asleep. With their crazy schedule juggling between concerts, award ceremonies and variety shows he sometimes went for 3 to 4 days without sleeping and it was not normal. He used to sleep all the time in between the schedule but now it felt different. He stretched his long arms before reaching for his iPhone. He opened the gallery and found himself looking at the pictures of his previous gateway with IU.

He smiled at how happy they were during the short trip and somehow he felt like he was missing her already. He selected the pictures before sending them to IU. Because of his busy schedule, he forgot to send her the photos.

JK: Noona, this is Jung Kook. Here're the pictures that you requested

He waited for her reply. He tapped the phone screen softly, silently hoping she will quickly reply his messages.

IU: Oh Jung Kook-shi. Thanks. OMG the pictures look amazing

JK: I'm glad that you love the pictures. Sorry for the delay though. I was caught up with my schedule '

He changed his position laying his head onto the hand rest and stretched his long legs on the other end of the couch. He smiled looking at her reply.

IU: Oh, no worries. I just want to save them for my memories. Take care of yourself Jung Kook-shi. Remember to eat and have enough sleep. I'm glad that I don't have to go to award ceremonies this year so I can focus more on my 10th year anniversary concerts

JK: I'm so jealous of you noona. Where is your next concert? Jeju-do is it?

IU: Yah, are you a stalker? *shock face*

JK: Noona, when I said I am a Uaena, I truly mean it. I might not be active in the fan cafe but I keep myself updated. I even tried to smuggle the sound wave ring by asking my cousin to go to your fan-meeting but he can't make it TT.TT'

IU: Kekekeke. Mianhe Jung Kook-shi for underestimate you. Oh, really? Too bad I only give the ring to the fans that attend my fan-meeting. Try attending one and you'll get the ring

JK: Oh I wish but I know I'll cause chaos if I attend one *laughing face*

IU: I bet all my fans will ignore me and run to you instead *laughing face*

JK: Then I should consider going. Kekeke. Kidding noona. I bet they will chase me out of the concert venue for coming.

IU: Hey, they are nice. Jung Kook-shi, it's nice talking to you but I need to go now. Let's chat again later. Fighting for your award ceremonies and your concert tours. I believe you guys can put it off amazingly like always. Have a nice day and sleep well.

JK: You too noona. Please don't chase me out if I happen to attend one of your fan-meeting.

IU: How can I do that to you? I need to go now. Bye Jung Kook-shi.

JK: Bye noona.

Jung Kook smiled while looking at his iPhone. Just looking at the pictures and the conversations made him happy. He guessed he will able to sleep that night. "Why are you smiling?" asked Jin.

"Oh hyung. When did you come in?" Jung Kook asked. He arose from his laying position making some space for Jin to sit.

"Since you're looking at your phone with stupid smile of yours. Tell me Jung Kook-ah, are those rumors true?" asked Jin with sneaky smile on his face. He sat next to Jung Kook.

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