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"Are you okay going up alone?" asked her manager as he needed to rush to the hospital when he just received a phonecall from his girlfriend saying that she needed to be warded due to appendicitis. Her bodyguard was not with them either.

"Kwenchana oppa. Just go oppa, Hanna-unnie needs you more now," IU brushed him off. Sometimes she was annoyed with all the attention that her manager gave but she knew that he did that for her safety. They were paranoid after she received a mysterious package a few days back. When she got back to her apartment after late night filming, Hanteo spotted a black package in front of her door. There was a photo of hers and jung kook on their date night.

"I have plenty of these in my collection. What do you think if I release them to the media? What will happen to your career and most important to your dear boy? End it. You're too good for him. End it before something bad happen to him. If you know what I'm referring to," IU could feel her knees shaking as she read those notes.

Hanteo wanted to report it to the company but she refused."They're just playing around oppa. There's nothing to worry about. I've receive them before and they are just empty words," she said with a smile, more like convincing herself that everything's will be okay.

"This is serious Ji Eun-ah. How did they pass the security? This neighbourhood is very popular with excellent security but he managed to pass that. I'll look further into it," Hanteo said.

"If you receive anything, quickly tell me okay. Don't go anywhere without someone accompany you. Remember!" Hanteo warned her.

"Don't wander around. I'll go now," She quickly hopped off the car and dragged her tired body towards the lift. Her manager was trying to be funny. Where can she go with this tired body? All she wanted to do was lying on her bed or maybe have a phone call with Jung Kook if he still awake before she sleep.

She closed her eyes as she waited for the lift. 'It would be wonderful if i can teleport to my room now,' she thought as she waited. She entered the lift and push the button to her floor. When the lift was about to close, someone forced the door opened from outside. He was wearing black hoodies with a black facemask on his face. His head was covered with his hoodies and she can barely see his skin. IU was wondering how can he survive wearing that in this hot weather. She shrugged off her shoulder and waited for her floor. She was too occupied with her thought she unable to notice that the guy did not press any button.

 She was too occupied with her thought she unable to notice that the guy did not press any button

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All of sudden she got this weird feeling. You know the feeling when someone was silently looking at you? Yes, the chill. She could feel the goosebumps behind her neck. IU silently prayed that the lift will move faster and she regretted that she refused hanteo's offer to accompany her just now. A few seconds feels like hours to her and she held her breath, counting in her head to calm herself.

"Ding" the sound of elevator echoed as they reached her level. IU tightened her grip to her over-sized bag, ready to run as soon as the door open.

She gasped as her movement was stopped. The guy grabbed her shoulder from behind. IU could hear her heart beating so loud, her palms sweating and her knees shaking; fight or flight reflex. She had encountered many accidents with fanatic fans before but she was always with someone, either her bodyguard or her manager. But this time, she was all alone and she knew she should never underestimate fanatic fans, especially after receiving such a threat.

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