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"Yaaa, look at the response. These people are still doubting us but we'll make sure they believe us when we reveal who's the girl," said the girl.

"Yoon, who do you think the girl is? Is it the same girl? That tattoo artist," asked the other girl while her eyes fixed on the black car in front of them.

"Molla. I don't care. I just want to reveal this on social media since these Bangtan boys are too untouchable. Surely the media is on their side but after these pictures got posted on social media, do you think netizen will believe their company?" said the girl named Yoon."Not dating my ass" she continued, hands busied typing response on her Twitter.

"Don't you think their company will sue us for stalking," her friend asked.

"What're you so afraid of? We're doing everyone's favor now. If you're so afraid, you can drop off and let me do my job here," Yoon replied.

"Arasso," her friend said hesitately.


IU looked outside the window. She noticed they were taking longer time to reach her apartment. If she was not mistaken, they were not that far from her home. She glanced at her manager and noticed him keep glancing at the rear mirror. "Wae oppa?" she asked.

"I think someone is following us," Hanteo said. "That taxi has been tailing us," he pointed.

IU looked at the back and saw the taxi. Her heart started to pound hard. Another trouble awaited for her.

"Ottoke oppa," she panicked.

"We'll be taking detour. Here's the plan. We'll go to my apartment. You'll pretend to enter the apartment and I'll caught them when they try to stalk you. Okay? Can you do that?" Hanteo asked. She swallowed her saliva while trying to control her breath. She's in fight or flight mood. She didn't like either of it.

"Can you do it Lee Ji-Eun?" Hanteo asked again when he received no reply from her.

She nodded before answer. "Nae, I'll do my best. I'm an actress. Of course this is just a piece of cake," she said. Her voice shakened despite of how confident she tried to be.

"Cover your face. Remember, just walk straight to the lobby. Don't look around, arachi?" she nodded.

"Okay now go," Hanteo gave his cue and she opened the door. She walked leisurely towards the entrance, like nothing happened. Hanteo quickly drove his car towards the exit, parked it a bit far from the entrance. He quickly ran towards IU and hiding himself behind the tree.


"Ajusshi stop stop," said Yoon. She quickly paid the taxi driver and got out of the car as they saw Jungkook's girlfriend getting out of the car. "Ya palli," Yoon rushed her friend, afraid that they'll lose her.

Yoon quickly took some pictures when her friend finally stood beside her.

"Let's go," she said, quickly running towards the entrance.

"Yaa you two," Yoon turned herself towards the source of the
voice and her eyes widened as she saw a tall guy running towards them.

"Yaaa run run," She said, grabbing her friend's hand. Unfortunately for them, Yoon dropped her phone while she was busy saving their own lives.

"Yoon, your phone," her friend said.

"There's no time for that. Let's just run," she replied. Her heart was about to burst and she was praying hard that they'll not get caught.

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