12: J E R I C H O [1/4]

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All the way to Jericho, Connor kept wondering what was wrong...
Why did he have these strange reactions?
He could tell there was some sort of instability in his software... Or at least that's what he liked to call it, since he wasn't even sure what it actually was. But no matter how often he scanned himself and his biocomponents, he couldn't find anything physically wrong...

But... What was wrong with you, anyways?
Were you sick in some way? Why did you sometimes act the way you did?

Unknown to you, Connor had scanned you countless of times before, analyzing your every feature, trying to figure out what was going on.
But the more he scanned you, the worse his instabilities seemed to become...

Nothing seemed right, but at the same time, nothing seemed particularly wrong either...
Everything was just so... off...

What is wrong with me?
Am I defective?
I know my purpose, so why can't I just focus on the mission?

He kept trying to figure things out, sometimes thinking about it for hours at a time, but it all seemed like some sort of unsolvable puzzle...

All he knew was that all of this had something to do with you.

Finally, he arrived at the shipwreck.
Making sure not to catch anyone's attention, he put on a street outfit and a beanie, hiding his LED.
Once inside, he took a good look around and wasn't surprised to see some familiar faces... Kara and the child, Rupert, even the Tracis... Connor made sure to keep a safe distance as to not raise any suspicion and made his way towards a staircase going up, when suddenly, a hand touched his shoulder.
He turned to see a strange-looking female android with all black eyes.

He turned to see a strange-looking female android with all black eyes

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"You're lost." She told him, her voice slightly distorted. "You're looking for something..."

"You're looking for yourself..."

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Before driving off to Jericho, you quickly went home to grab a hat and a scarf to pull over your face to disguise yourself, so hopefully the deviants wouldn't be able to tell you're human.

Upon getting there, you could already see the ship from afar and decided to park further away, making sure it's a safe distance, hoping no one would come across it.
After entering the ship, you were amazed by the amount of deviants present. And to think all of them were in fact deviants, and not just some plain androids...
Needless to say, you were quite anxious about the whole thing and it felt like your heart was pounding more and more with each step deeper into the ship...
You looked around everywhere for Connor, turning corners and peeking inside rooms.
Eventually, you got to a big sort of hall where most androids appeared to be around. Some were watching the ongoing news reports about the whole situation, some were just talking...
You looked around and were almost heartbroken to see how many of the deviants were hurt in some way. Horribly wounded, missing limbs... Some of them just satin corners seemingly lethargic, some were laying on beds and being tended to.

Wow... God knows what happened to them...

You kept looking for Connor, and were startled to see Kara and the child.

Holy shit... Makes me wonder if any of the other deviants I encountered found their way here...

And surely enough, when looking around some more, you soon spotted Rupert, and shortly after the Tracis as well.
Once you were sure Connor wasn't in this room, you were ready to move on, when you felt a hand on your shoulder. Startled, you turned to face the female android with black eyes. She seemed a little surprised...


"I swear I don't mean any harm, please don't tell anyone...!" you whispered, panicking, and also somewhat taken aback by her appearance. "I'm just looking for my android friend, that's all, I promise..."

"I see." she smiled softly. "Keep looking, I'm sure you will find him. By that time, he will hopefully have found himself as well." and with that, she walked off, and you just looked after her confused.

Wait. Did she just say... him? How the...

A Reason to Change | Connor x Human Reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now