1~tf is he doing here

786 25 36

Dallon's POV

I am walking to Hot Topic, my parents took my car because apparently, driving around at midnight for some Taco Bell, Tyler's idea, is against my parents rules. One of many. Another is, no being gay and/or have a boyfriend, girlfriends welcomed, whatever that means...

Well, I enter the store, and I am greeted by the cashier, and my only friend, Ryan Seaman. I do my normal thing, check out some of the T-shirts, look at other random things around the store, like pins, posters, those Pop thingys, etc.

As I was looking through the shirts, I walked into someone.

"Sorry, that was my fault, I should've been paying attention." A voice said, I'm not sure who the voice belongs to, because I kept my head down. But it sounds a little familiar, like this person goes to my school or something.

"Its fine," I whispered. I looked over to them, and it was no other than, Brendon Urie, the most popular and aesthetic boy in the school. Why is he at Hot Topic, let alone the band T-shirt section. Shouldn't he be at JC Penny, or somewhere like that?

But, in Hot Topic? What is he doing?

Wait, he is probably just getting something for his boyfriend, Ryan Ross. That'll make sense. Better sense than him getting something for himself here. Ryan and I used to be in the same clique at school, but as soon as he and Brendon hooked up, he started hanging around with Brendon's clique.

I look over at Brendon, and he was grabbing a few Nirvana and Green Day shirts and walked over to Ryan Seaman. Ryan looked confused as he rang up the items.

Brendon just hung the bags from his arms and walked away. I grabbed some shirts and gave them to Ryan to ring them up.

"Hey, dude, why was Brendon here?" I asked.

"I don't know," Ryan responded.

"Hmm, maybe he was just buying stuff for the other Ryan."

"Maybe, or he could just secretly like those bands."

"I doubt that."

"True, he probably listens to Rihanna, Taylor Swift, and Nicki Minaj."

"Yeah, and Ariana Grande."

"What about, Katy Perry."

"Ok, well, anyways, here," I said, putting my money in his hand and walking away.

"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier, but please don't tell anyone I was at Hot Topic," Brendon said, running up to me. I stayed silent and continued walking.

"Did I make you that mad?" He sipped on his drink and continued walking by my side.

"Ugh, fine, bye, whatever your name is."

He walked away with the bag still hanging from his arm and a Starbucks cup in his hand. Why was he talking to me? Popular kids won't talk to kids like me, unless there is a reason, like embarrassment, or they like you.

It was probably the first option. If anything, I'm the unattractive guy. Sure, that guy is gay, he has the boyfriend to prove it, but he is also hella popular, and really good looking. If I had even the slightest chance with him, I'd probably be crushing on him. But we have nothing in common, and he has a boyfriend.

I continue walking, putting those thoughts to the back of my mind. Instead, I grab my phone and text Ryan.

Me: dude, brendon just talked to me

Ryan: what did he say???

Me: first of all, nosy, second of all, he just said to not to tell anyone that I saw him at Hot Topic

Ryan: damn, that is not what I expected/wanted to happen

Me: dude, he is one of the most popular guys in school, of course he wont like me

Ryan: but someone has a crush on him

Me: stfu

Ryan: uhh, how about, no

Me: if you werent my only friend, id unfriend you

Ryan: but i have your number and i would call/text you continuously

Me: that too

Ryan: i gotta get back to work, ttyl

Me: ttyl

I put my hands in my pocket and finish my walk home. I decide to take off the tags now, because I know the shirts will fit me, I have too many of these shirts. As I remove the clothing from the bag, a small slip paper falls out.

(···) ···-····
I think youre interesting, txt me ;)

Of. Fucking. Course. Hot guy gives you his number and he has a boyfriend. But he gave me his number. I feel like screaming.


Ryan: it better be fucking amazing, I'm still at work


Ryan: youre bluffing, false, guys like him don't just give away their phone numbers, shit, I think you might have been pranked, what if its a hacker, don't text it, pretend you never found it

Me: I dont care if its fake or not, im texting it anyway

Ryan: fine, but if youre hacked, dont say i didnt warn you


Me: hello? Is this brendon, was i pranked?

(···) ···-····: nah, im brendon, but i never figured out your name

Me: weekes, dallon weekes

Brendon: oml, did you just make a james bond reference? That's amazing

Me: it was alright, ig

Brendon: I love James bond, not as much as mean girls, but it is a close call

Me: of course you like mean girls...

Brendon: and you got a problem with that?

Me: no, just, why mean girls

Brendon: why not?

Me: whatever...

Brendon: welp, gotta go help my sis, bye!!

Me: ttyl

Brendon: wait, you want to talk again?

Me: yeah, you seem pretty chill, but its different from when youre at school

Brendon: right, gtg, bye

Me: bye


Why was he excited that we were going to talk later, or was he confused? But why, if anything, I should be the confused one.

Well, it is almost 10 and I do have to got to sleep.


Well, still gotta sleep, or my parents will have my head. Or my phone.


A/N: yay, new book, because I cant think of ideas for my other one, hopefully I don't turn into an author with like 20 unfinished books

(*choke* yeah right...)

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