9~what if he gets hurt

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Dallon's POV (I suck, I said that the story would be in Brendon's POV, and I already added Dallon's POV back in)

After I left Brendon's house, I heard an arguement begin. It was pretty muffled, but I could tell that it was his mother and father. This is what he must've been talking about this morning.

I can't help but feel slightly guilty that I left him. What if he actually plans to hurt himself? What if someone hurts him?

Why do I care this much?

He's got a boyfriend.

(A/N: Hit or miss, I guess they never miss huh, got a boyfriend, bet he doesn't kiss ya.


I understand the door is to the left.)

Ugh, he probably thinks I'm creepy,

Or, maybe he gave me his number for a reason other than someone to talk to.

But why?

I'm going to ask him.

But is now a good time to ask?

I should throw rocks at his window, maybe he'll respond.

I grab some small dull rocks, so I don't break the window.




I continue throwing the rocks until I see a silhouette of someone walk up to the window.


"Oops, sorry."

"Is it that important? Can't you just text me?"

Fuck you, Dallon, texting, of course! I facepalm a few times before responding.

"Yeah, sorry. I'll text you."

"No, might as well say it, since you're there, give me a minute."

He closed the window and I heard him leave his room. I swear if he blew me off, leaving me right there, he'll get endless texts.

He comes running out the door, while trying to put on his shoes.

"Sorry...for...taking...so...long...had...to...get...past...parents..." He was out of breath, I guess he ran at some point. We started walking, I don't know where, but we started walking

"Okay, first, calm down, second, where are we going?"

"To the quiet place, duh."


"So, why were you banging on my window?"

"I just wanted to know why you gave me your number. Other than for someone to talk to, I can tell its more."

He flushed red.


"You don't have to answer, I would still like to know though."


"So, why are we going to the quiet place?"

"Because, I want to say something I want no one else to hear."

"Oh, and you're going to tell me, why?"

"Because I trust you, you giraffe."

I pushed his shoulder.

"I'm not a giraffe."

"Mm, yeah you sre, you're tall like one."


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