5~meet me at the park

481 17 21

Dallon's POV

I get to class just on time. It was then, I realized, Brendon has math with me. But he didn't turn up. I waited 10 minutes before texting him, incase he needed a few more minutes alone. Maybe I shouldn't've left him.

Wait, is shouldn't've even a word?

Goddamnit, Dallon, this isn't the time for grammar. It time to worry about Brendon.

Me: are you ok, youre not in class

Brendon: i went home i couldnt stay...

Me: oh, ok, hope you feel better, it is a but boring without you...

Brendon: i doubt it

Me: nah, im here and it is literal hell

I felt like this was partially my fault, I forced him to speak and tell me what was going on. I'm going to make this right. I have to, especially if this was my fault. I start to text him again, but I can't find the right words to say.

Me: im sorry, its my fault


(A/N: dallon just erased the message before sending it)

Me: where are you going


Me: can i talk to you


Me: i need to talk to you




Me: pls talk to me




Me: you were right, i do like you, and have a crush


Brendon is typing

Brendon is typing

Brendon: fine, i was driving tho...

Me: sorry

Brendon: its fine

Me: also, you sure you are ok?

Brendon: yes

Me: did you really go home, or did you go some where else?

Brendon: damn, you only knew me for a day and you know me better than half my friends...and ryan...

Me: really?

Brendon: yeah, spence and ry wouldve believe i went home

Brendon: btw, im at the park, my parents will kill me if they knew im skipping

Me: ok, cool

Brendon: wait, youre gonna come, arent you?

Me: I wasnt planning to, but if you need me, ill come

Brendon: no, please, stay at school, i need some space from people

Me: but the park is always filled with people???

Brendon: not where im going

I am so confused, the park is always filled with people, where would he go?

Why are you talking to me? {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now