13~ is it over the top?

278 7 13

Brendon's POV

He seems to like it. I hope he does. Oh god, did I mess up? I hope I didn't go over the top.

"Hey, Dal, is this over the top?"

"No, this is amazing."

We were sitting in the pillow fort Spence helped me build.

"I just feel like-"

"Stop, this is amazing, and the fact that you put this together for me makes me feel important."

"Cause you are!"

"Thanks, when are we going to sleep though?"

"Sleep? This is a sleepover, we don't sleep, what are we? Kids?"

I rest my head on him and yawned.

"Hmm, someone seems tired."

"I am not."


"I'm hungry, lets go eat some of the food I brought up."


I crawled out, and Dallon stayed.

"Aren't you coming?"

"No, just get the food and bring it to me."

"Yes, master."

I did the most minion-of-a-evil-scientists like voice I could do.

"Geez, that sounded creepy."

"Yeah, I'm not gonna do that voice again."

"Now get the food."

"Alright, alright."

I grabbed the Capri Suns and some animal crackers.

I go back to the fort and crawl back in.

"Animal crackers? Really? You were saying we are not kids. You keep disproving your point."

He laughed.

"Wow, you're right. Well, I'm still gonna eat my animal crackers."

"Pass me some."

I took out a handful and passed him the box.

We were fairly quiet, eating animal crackers, and drinking some Capri Suns.

I decided to explain earlier.


He hummed and turned to me.

"What is it?"


"You don't need to explain right away, ok?"


"You okay? You're crying."

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Come here"

I crawled over and he enclosed me in a hug.


"No problem."

I just cried into his shoulder. I should be able to tell him, right? Or show him

Wait, that's a good idea, show him.

Wait, what if he judges me by how much there is?

It'll be easier to just tell him.

"O-ok, I think I'm ready to tell you."

"Go ahead."

"Well, ummm, I have ADHD, my mind is not normal, sorry, you could leave if you want."

"What? No, I won't leave you."

"Everyone does."

"Like who?"

"Pete was my friend at one point, then I told him that I had a mental illness, and h-he got mad and left me."

"Oh, does Spencer know?"

"Yeah, he was the first person I told, after Pete."

"Oh, what about Ross?"

"He doesn't know, I didn't tell him."

"Oh, why?"

"I didn't mind think he would be as nice as Spencer or you."

"Oh, ok."

He stayed quiet, and I dared not to tell him about my anxiety.

"Do you mind if I go shower?"

"No, go ahead."

"Alright, where do you keep towels?"

I was going to tell him, but that is where I keep most of my pills, for anxiety.

"I'll get it for you."


I go get the towel, and I manage to knock over one of my pill bottles. The pills fall out and go everywhere.


"Yo, Bren, you alright? I heard something fall."

"I-its fine, Dal."


I pick up the pills and return to the room to hand him the towel.


"No problem."

Wait! Did I pick up all the pills? What if I didn't, what if he sees one, and asks me what it is?

My breathing quickened and it feels like the room is getting smaller. I feel dizzy and my vision blurs. I want to scream but I can't. Hopefully Dallon doesn't notice that I'm panicking.

I guess either, I picked them all up, or he didn't notice, cause he headed right into the bathroom.

I calm down, and rest my head onmy bed. I hear the shower running, that's good.

"Why am I such a fuck up?"

No one heard me, of course.

"Brendon, sweetheart."

"What, mom?"

"Are you fine?"


"You sure? You just called yourself a fuck up."

"And you take notice now? I've been doing that for years now, and its fucking true."

"First of all, language. Second, I heard, its just-"

"You didn't care, did you?"

"No, no, I did, its just, your father."


"He-he, hates you because of, well, you, he doesn't like you because you are gay, and you need all that medication, and all the other abnormal things about you."

"Of course, then why doesn't he kick me out then?"

"Because of your sister and me."

"Uh-huh. Look, mom, just leave me be."

"No, I'm going to stay here, cause you are my child, and your father doesn't want you here."

"Of course. And I should leave when?"

"Brendon, I won't allow your father to kick you out."


There was some moaning coming from the shower. What was he doing?

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