14~stuck on my mind

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Dallon's POV

Somewhat smut...

Brendon, he is stuck on my mind.

I really wanted to squeeze his ass when he was crawling out of the fort.

What am I thinking!?!? I just met the guy 2 days ago and I already want to squeeze his ass.

The few kisses we had, they were perfect. A match made in heaven. We are soulmates.

I decided to take a shower because of...umm...something down there happened...I don't wanna talk about it.

There were like 2 pills on the floor, but I decided to leave them be, maybe that's what dropped earlier.

I saw his mother head to his room, but I really need to get rid of this problem.

I started to jack off, which I never had really done, other than with Mikey Way from MCR. But who doesn't, he's fucking hot.

I slowly stroke my member, moaning softly. I imagine that my hand was Brendon's hand.

There was a knock on the door.

"Dal, you okay?"

"Uh yeah, yeah, I'm fine."

"Well, calm down, I can hear you."

"Wait, what?"

"Never mind, I'll tell you when you leave."

"Oh, I'm getting out soon."


I turned off the shower and made sure my problem is gone.

Somewhat smut is over

Basic summery, Dallon had to get rid of a problem and Brendon heard the process.

I left the bathroom and walked into Brendon's room.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, why?"

He started to giggle.

"Bren, what's wrong?"



"I really like you."

"And I really like you, Brenbear."

"That's new, you need another nickname if I get another."

"Ok, what will it be?"

He thought for a minute.

"Damn, I can't think of any."

"Its fine."

"Hmm, nope, I just thought of one, you are a duck now."

"Really, a duck?"


"That almost sounds lik-"

"Its better than Daldo, my original choice."

"Duck it is then."

"My little duck. Hold up, I should post this!"

He pulled out his phone and to a selfie of us.



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Urielythinkso: ha, look at this cutie, he's my duck.


Ryryry: him, this is who you gave me up for?

Urielythinkso: yes, @/Ryryry now bye bish

Imtooespenceive: go queen, also, duck???

Urielythinkso: yes @/Imtooespenceive duck, dUCK, DUCK, QUACK QUACK QUACK

Imtooespenceive: you are my precious child

See 3 other comments 》


"Quack quack quack? You are such a child."

"I know."

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