11~dreamless sleep

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Brendon's POV

I find myself by the park after a bit. I decided to go to the spot.

I laid down and I just cried myself to sleep.

I didn't care if anyone heard me, I just cried.

I ended up falling in to a dreamless sleep.

~~~hey, finally, another day~~~

I wake up while it was still dark.

I checked my phone, and the light hurt my eyes. It was about 4 am, and...fuck...

58 missed calls from Kyla

70 messages from Kyla

14 missed calls from Mom

15 missed messages from Mom

1 missed call from Dad

2 missed messages from Dad

Wait...dad tried to contact me?

Kyla, understandable. Mom, with enough pursuding, yeah, I could understand. But dad?

I try to sleep again, but I found I harder this time.

I end up falling asleep again.


I wake up and the sun was in my eyes.

I check my phone again

Same notifications as before, but there was a new one.

5 missed messages from Dallon

Dallon: where are you

Dallon: you arent home, cmon man

Dallon: answer me, are you at that place in the park???

Dallon: im going there rn

Dallon: answer your phone

As if on cue, Dallon clears his throat from behind me. I turn around and as soon as he saw my face, his filled with worry.

"You're in the same clothes from yesterday, did you sleep here?"


"Why? And why is your face like that?"

"My dad..."

"What did he do to you, Bren?"

"H-he was drunk."

"Did he hurt you?"

"He slapped me. Twice."


"O-on my cheek."

"He is never gonna lay another finger on my baby again."

I curled myself into a ball and started to cry. I heard Dallon walk beside me.

Why are you talking to me? {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now