4~bathroom tears

472 17 4

Brendon's POV

I arrive at school at exactly 7:30, like I do everyday. But instead of going to my friends' table, I go to the bathroom. The secret one, so no one could walk in on me.

I go into the handicapped stall, and cry, and just cry. I didn't care that someone just walked in.

"Hey, who ever is in there, I'm Dallon, do you want to talk or something?"

Ugh, its Dallon, I'll just text him, to make him leave, I can't deal with anyone.

Me: leave me alone 😭

"Brendon? Is that you in there?" He sounded a bit concerned.

Me: yes, and i said leave me alone 😡

"Brendon, just talk to me, I'm safe, I swear."


I was basically screaming. Shit, I didn't mean to, I gotta apologize.

I get up and open the door. He noticed, because he turned around.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scream, it's just, I had a bad night, last night."

"Do you want to talk about it, or just cry over it?"

"Honestly, I prefer to cry over it, but, I might as well tell you."

"Alright, I'm all ears."

I sat down and patted the floor next to me. He sat down next to me, and I couldn't help but to curl up against him. He tensed up, but relaxed a little.

"My parents think I'm a fuck up and Ryan broke up with me." I wanted to tell him about how Pete beated me up the other day, but then he might laugh at me for not being able to stand up for myself.

"Wait, why do you think your parents think you're a fuck up?"

"They always argue over what to do with me, and who's fault that I have the flaws I have. Like being gay, they hate that fact. They hated Ryan and they hate me."

"No, they don't hate you, you are just hearing what they say in negative way. Try thinking with positive thoughts."


"What are you thinking?"

"About my sister, she is the only one who cares about me. She basically is the one who takes care of me."

Dallon just stayed silent. I decided to break the silence, because it was deafening.

"Dallon, why are you even bothering with me? I don't matter."

"Sure you do, you have a very important role in some people's, like your sister's. And I'm bothering with you because, well, I don't know. But it is a good reason, I'm sure."

That actually made me feel good.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For cheering me up."

"That's no problem."

"We should get ready for class."

"Yeah, you need to clean up a bit."

I get up and go over to the sink. My eyes are really puffy and my face is entirely flushed. I grab my make up bag and pull out some foundation.

"Why do you have makeup?" He laughed, and goddamnit, that laugh was the best thing I ever heard.

"For when stuff like this happens, or when I get bea-" shit, I was about to reveal I am bullied.

"Wait, what's the second reason?"


"Nuh-uh, you were gonna say something, then you cut yourself off."

"Just, leave me be, please, you did enough."

"Ok, fine."

When I thought he left, I put the makeup wipe to my face and wipe off some of the makeup on my cheek. Pete punched me there the other day. It was a pretty bad bruise.


"WHAT THE, YOU'RE STILL HERE!?!?" I screamed, I attempt to hide the bruise, but its too late, he already saw it.

"Yes, but how did that bruise on your cheek happen?"

"Don't wanna talk about it, its personal."

"But you need to, someone hurt you."

"Its fine."

"No, at least tell me who did it."


"You need to tell someone, or you are gonna keep getting hurt."

"Who cares?"

He just stood there, lost in thought. Yeah, even he can't find someone who cares about me.

"Your sister might."

"No, fine, it was Pete. Pete fucking Wentz."

"Pete? Why would he do that?"

"He hates me for being popular. And gay."

But I don't know why he hates me for being gay, I swear, he is dating that Patrick kid.

"But, popular kids don't get bullied."

"Some do, but we are good at hiding the pain."

"Ok, well, class is about to start, so start putting back on the makeup shit."

"Its not shit..."

"Keep telling yourself that, makeup boy."

"Shut up."

"Bye." He left the bathroom. I replace the makeup I removed and pull my phone out, and text him.

Me: thanks, youre really nice, almost too nice...

Dallon: seriously, its fine

Me: why are you so nice to someone like me


Dallon: no

Aw man, he doesn't like me. I should have known. He doesn't like me the same way I like him...

Me: aw, man

Dallon: what's wrong???

Shit, the last thing I need is for him to come back. I can't let him see me, I'm going to leave. He won't follow me to my car. Right?

Me: nothing, please dont come back, im no longer in there

Dallon: whatever

I got out as soon as possible and continued to cry in my car. I held nothing back. Just cried.

I heard the bell for first period ring, but I didn't care. This was time for tears. I receive a few messages from people. All asking where I am.

I normally don't miss class, so, of course they are concerned. But they are just saying that because they feel the need to do that. Whatever. I'll just call in sick.

I call the main office and explain that I am sick, and I even threw in a few fake coughs.

I start my drive home, then I got another text. From Dallon.

Dallon: are you ok, youre not in class


Why are you talking to me? {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now