15~ can i be a dolphin

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Dally💗: why am i a duck??? can i be like a dolphin or some other animal??

Me: nope, youre a duck, quackity quack quack

Dally💗: *eyeroll*

Me: ...why did u roll ur eyes???

Dally💗: cause i can

Dally💗: gtg, my dad is calling me

Me: bye!!! Ily 💞💞

Dally💗: Ily2 💗💗

I put down my phone and look at my ceiling.

My neighbor, Tyler, said he's afraid of his ceiling. I wonder why. Staring at the ceiling calms me.

We used to sit on our window sills and talk for hours. I wonder how he is.

I walked to my window and opened it and felt the crisp fall air on my skin.

"Hey, Tyler, you there?"

Tyler's window opened and he also climbed out to sit on the sill.

"Hey, its been awhile."

Tyler went to a different school because his parents were afraid that he was going to be beat up for being gay. I wish my parents were like that

"Yeah, I know."

"I saw you leave your house a few days ago, are you alright?"

"Yeah, my dad got drunk..."

"Oh, well, anything else thats new in your life?"

"I have a boyfriend thats not Ryan."



Our parents didn't know we sat up here for hours on end.


I took out my phone and opened up the post.

I tossed my phone over the 3 ft gap between the two houses.

"Awww, you guys seem very cute, when do I get to meet him? He needs to know if he hurts you, I hurt him."

He threw the phone over the gap and back to me.

"Mother Tyler in the house."

"Pfft, I'm the father."

"No, Spence is the father."

"Did he already do the talk? I wanted to do that taaaallllkkk," Tyler whined.

"No, not that I know of."

"Yay, ok, so when do I meet him? You officially have 2 fathers and Mother Josh."

"Who's Josh?"

"Oh, right, he's kinda my boyfriend. He goes to my new school. Anyways answer my question, when do I meet the kid?"

"I don't know, umm, can you come over tomorrow after school?"

It was Friday tomorrow, so I doubt he has homework.

"Yeah, sure."

"Cool, what time do you normally get home?"

"About 4:30."

"Ok, maybe you can bring Josh, so I can talk to him."

"Alright. Well, I'm going to go to sleep, see you tomorrow Brendon."

"Bye Tyler."

I waved and jumped into my room and my phone was buzzing like crazy. Well, it was 3 buzzes since I came in through the window, but still.

Dally💗: ok, im done

Dally💗: hello?

Dally💗: bren?

Dally💗: you have 3 seconds before i turn into protective boyfriend mode

Me: ahh, im fine, i was talking to my neighbor tyler

Me: btw, hes gonna meet you tomorrow, dont feel threatened by him, he wont hurt a fly

Me: seriously, hell put them in jars and release them outside, hes so pure

Dally💗: oh, ok

Me: pretend to feel threatened, so he feels accomplished

Dally💗: auto fill is beautiful

Me: wut?

Dally💗: well that should help me up in the morning better than I should've connected to my house when I got back that I was going to be a professer for the first day of my life fell apart from my own name in my car

Me: is autofill having an existential crisis??? also, imma try that

Dally💗: lol

Me: long term care to tell me that your band is popular in your sleep and the boys turned to walk away from me to them and place him on the floor unconscious and mmm fucking blood mmm

Dally💗: ummm, mmm fucking blood??? i think your auto fill is a vampire at the very least...or a psychopath...that or you are

Me: lololol, i dont think im a vampire, ive been out in the sun and i havent killed anyone...yet...

Dally💗: dont make me your first victim!!

Me: i would never dream of hurting you, babe

Dally💗: thnks

Me: are you patrick??

Dally💗: wut??

Me: patrick always texts like that

Dally💗: ohhhh

Me: and the boyfriend realizes his mistake

Dally💗: hey, its not a mistake if i didnt even know wth you were talking about

Me: aw, fuck, gotta run now, i made him mad...

Dally💗: you know full well that i cant stay mad at you...cmere so i can hug you

Me: aw, fuck, gotta run now, i made him get into a cuddly mood...

Dally💗: nooo, come back!!

Me: fine, but only cause i love you

Dally💗: awwwe, you love me?

Me: yes i do

Dally💗: gtg to bed...see you at school, cant wait to meet your friend! Ily brennybear 😚😚

Me: ily2, dallyduck 💖💖

I love him, truly.

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