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Dallon and I were laughing because we were just driving to Chili's for our date and just randomly on the road, there were like 20 loafs of bread. We didn't see how they got there, but on the side of the road, there was a lot of bread.

(A/N: no joke, there was literally 20 loafs of bread just sitting in the emergency lane on the highway, and me and my friend were like wtf)

"I feel sorry for the person who just lost like 20$ worth of bread."

"Ok, but how did so much bread get lost before the person noticed, also, do you think that the person noticed the lost bread?"

"Great, now I'm thinking about a car stuffed with bread, thats the only way someone could lose so much bread."

We arrived at the restaurant, and of course, Spence was our waiter.

"Better leave a good tip."

"And what if I don't?"

"I know where you live and where you sleep."

"No, you shall not kill my boyfriend." Dallon chimed in.

"Then make sure he leaves a good tip."

"Bren, babe, leave a good tip."

I scoffed.

Spence smiled and turned around while making smooching sounds.

I punched his arm and he acted all offended.

"Excuse me, I can easily add poison to your food."

"Do it, I'd like to see you kill me."

"Fine, I will."

Dallon put his arm between me and Spencer, trying to stop a fight that wad never gonna happen.

"Uh, no, I asked for you not to hurt my boyfriend."

"But, your boyfriend was being mean..."

"Spencer, don't you have other customers?" I said, gesturing to the entire restaurant.

"No, look around do you see anyone that isn't an employee or at the bar?"

"Ok, fair point, but you do have to put our order in for our food."

I glanced over at Dallon who was mindlessly playing with the edge of his sleeves while staring at the table.

"Oh...right, be right back."

"Wait, you didn't ask for what we wanted, though."

"A Sprite for you and a Dr. Pepper for the tree?"


Spencer flipped his hair and went to get our drinks.

"Dal, are you ok? You seem spaced out..."

"Huh, I'm fine, its nothing."

"Uh huh..."

Spence came back with two cups filled with the drinks he mind reading self knew.

"Ok, guys, after y'alls date, where are we going?"

"Well, Spencer, you see, Dal and I are gonna go to the mall and you continue work until your shift is over."

"But that isn't fun for me..."

"Eh, I rather have Dal be happy than you."

Spencer put a hand on his chest and gasped deeply.

"I am your best friend."

"And I'm his boyfriend, and boyfriends win."

"Anyways, Bren, Ry and Brent wanna start a band, and we think you'll be a great guitarist for us."

"Spence, Ryan and I aren't on good terms."

"But he was the one who said you could play with us."

"Ugh, fine I'll try out."

"Ok, meet us at Ryan's house tomorrow."

Spencer took our orders and left us alone, for once.

Just then, an elderly couple walked in and was seated right by us. Dallon leaned over the table and grabbed my hand.

"Dally, whatcha doing?"

"That's my grandparents' friends, they are really homophobic."

"Please don't, I don't want attention on us, you could do this at the mall."

"It's fine, Brenbear."

"This is why you are my Dallyduck."

I noticed the elderly couple glance over at us, and the woman got up.

"Hello Dallon, I haven't seen you since you were a little boy, and my God, how you have grown. How are you doing?"

"Hello, Mrs. Jackson, I'm fine, how are you?"

"Pretty good, and who is your friend here?"

"Oh, this is Brendon."

"Hello, Brendon, its a pleasure to meet you."

"Hi, ma'am, its nice to meet you too."

"May I ask, why are the two of you holding hands like...that?"

"Oh, right, Mrs. Jackson, Brendon is my boyfriend."

Dallon flashed his cute smile as I tried to hide my blush.

"Ugh, you're gay. THATS A SIN! I'll be sure to tell your grandmother, Dallon!"

"Ok, I don't care."

"Dal, please stop, Spence should be back with some food soon..."

"Bren, I got this."

I tried to pull my hand away, but his grip grew tighter as he continued to argue with Mrs. Jackson. I felt tears spring in my eyes, threatening to spill.

"Dallon, let go, it hurts."

He glanced over at me, and I was in near tears because he was squeezing so tight. He, then, looked over to our hands and his knuckles were turning white from how tight he was hold my hand. He immediately released and I pulled my hand back.

"Sorry, baby..."

"No, no, it's fine, I think I'll go, make sure to tell Spencer that I left."

"Do you need a ride?"

"No. I'm taking the bus."

"Ok, bye, talk to you later, I guess."


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