2~oh shi- I was caught

554 19 13

Brendon's POV

Oh shit, I just ran into Dallon Weekes, or that's what I think his name is.

Wait, he caught me in the middle of Hot Topic, not a store I'll normally go to. Hopefully he doesn't think the stuff I'm getting is for me, hopefully he thinks its a gift to someone.

I pay for my stuff and leave. I wait out for a bit, so I can slip my number into his bag, I'll spark a conversation, so he doesn't notice.

He finally leaves and starts turning in the opposite direction of me. I run over to him.

"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier but please don't tell anyone I was at Hot Topic," I say. He remains silent. Did I really make him that mad?

"Did I make you that mad?"

"Ugh, fine, bye, whatever your name is." This is where I dropped the number into his bag. He didn't see, but he did glance at me when I turned around.

Ok, if I'm gonna be honest, that dude is hot, like, hotter than Ryan. My boyfriend Ryan. I get into my car and drive home. I dread my house. The only good thing is my sister, and she is going to college soon. I'm only a junior. My parents constantly argue. Who's fault I'm gay, who's fault that I'm a failure. Who needs to pay for my college, who needs to pay for my meds. All of it is about me, and all my flaws. I honestly hate it.

Once I get home, I go to my room, not even bothering to get something to eat. I just sit there, on my bed. I feel like crying, because I hear my parents fighting. I can't hear what they are fighting over, but I know it is about me. Half way through my breakdown, I hear my phone go off. It is a text message from a random number. I really hope its Dallon.

(···) ···-····: hello? Is this brendon, was i pranked?

I can't help but laugh at the message.

Me: nah, im brendon, but i never figured out your name

(···) ···-····: weekes, dallon weekes

Me: oml, did you just make a james bond reference? That's amazing

Dallon: it was alright, ig

Me: I love James bond, not as much as mean girls, but it is a close call

Dallon: of course you like mean girls...

Me: and you got a problem with that?

Dallon: no, just, why mean girls

Me: why not?

Dallon: whatever

My sister started calling me, probably to get me to eat.

Me: welp, gotta go help my sis, bye!!

Dallon: ttyl


Me: wait, you want to talk again?

Dallon: yeah, you seem pretty chill, but its different from when youre at school

I am internally screaming. My sister starts calling me again.

Me: right, gtg, bye

Dallon: bye





I rush down the stairs to see what Kyla wanted.

"What?" I whined.

"Did you eat anything?" She asked

"No," I muttered, inaudibly.


"I said, no, I'll go make a PB and J sandwich."

"Good, please, don't starve yourself. I know mom and dad dont really care about you, but I do."

"Thanks, you're honestly the best sister ever."

"No problem, now go eat."

"Alright, alright."

I go make the sandwich and eat it in front of her. Once I finish, I go to my room and lay back down. My phone buzzes and I go look at it. I see probably the worst message ever.

Ryro<3: we're breaking up, I see how you look at other people, and I honestly don't love you like I did at first

Me: was it the spilt milk?

(A/N: whoops? Sorry not sorry...)

Ryro X.X: no, that was just disgusting, my clothes smelled for days, but this is not working, we could still be friends, but, we are no longer dating

Me: oh...ok

I start to cry again. First my parents, and now this. Why does my life suck? Why can't I be normal, and like girls? I'd probably be going out with that Sarah, the cheerleader captain.

I continue to cry. I heard Kyla try to knock and get in, but I locked the door. I cried until I just fell asleep. I didn't even bother with clothes, I just slept. Until my alarm went off at 6:45 am.

Why are you talking to me? {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now