"And.. and... she misses it! You've seen it here folks. The all great Ella Matthews lost the winning shot."
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Liked by barzal97 and 60,538 others @auston_matthews soon things will be brighter, you're a fighter💞 Tagged: @ematts05
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Liked by marner_93 and 45,656 others @barzal97 strength grows in the moments you think you can't move on💕 Tagged: @ematts05
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Liked by kasperikapanen1 and 43,328 others @marner_93 me and you, against the world♥️ Tagged: @ematts05
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Liked by mapleleafs and 39,729 others @kasperikapanen1 life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain💓 Tagged: @ematts05
@user2 did she finally kill herself
@user8 what happened?!
@user9 newsflash- we don't care
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I guess it's not so bad after all. I'm just gonna need help to learn to dance in the rain.