Chapter 1

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Luke's pov

The first day after the summer holidays. 2 straight months without them, and now we'll be reunited.

My heart beats faster as mum kisses Ben on the cheek along with a"have a good day honey," and gives me a angry scowl. She tries to look disappointed but from the day I was born I was the accident son. They already had Ben and Jack who are better than me in every way. They will never know what I go through and they'll never care. I'm only around cause dad likes to beat me up at any opportunity, mainly over school work.

The bus is already pulled up at our stop, the driver gives me a sympathic glance after seeing my purple bruises. They always know where to hit me, where the people who are meant to care don't see, but those who don't do. My face is always marked, even though I'm so ugly that the bruises actually help shield my sickening face from the world.

"Hey, freak! Time for your morning beating!" I here Michael cry out. I cringe and make my way towards where they are sat. I try to walk past, but Calum grabs my sleeve and pulls me over to him. Laughing, his fist connects with my stomach and sends me reeling backwards into Ashton's waiting foot. Everybody turns to watch the entertainment, Luke getting beaten up as per usual. I know that they have every reason to hate me, I'm ugly, stupid, arkward, the list goes on and on. But I've never done anything to them, or anyone else in this school.

Michael hates me because one of the teachers asked me to tutor him. I'm a straight A student but Michael isn't that smart. He thought it was insulting that someone thought I was better than him in something. I'd think the same if anyone asked me to tutor myself. If that makes any sense. God, I'm so stupid.

By the time we get to school, I can feel my stomach brutally throbbing and know there will be bruises there. My dad was drunk last night and my face is proof, but no one cares. I haven't done my social studies homework at all. Another of my many failures. I don't have an excuse. Well, I do, but none that I can use. My locker has white letters painted on it that say idiot. I've tried to get them off but they stay put. It's another thing that I don't have control of in my life.

Ashton's pov

I hate social studies, I hate school, I hate everything about my life. Not really but still. I hate tests at least. Once I can I'm dropping school. Not like it will bother anyone, I live on my own.

(After school)

Well, that was awful. Seriously, Michael is cleverer than me. I don't think I got a single question right in the whole test.

I spot the only thing that puts a smirk on my face- Luke. Nothing makes you feel better than degrading someone. Makes you powerful and popular. None of my friends know the real reason i hate luke. He has the most amazing eyes... blue and crystal clear. Not anymore, though, cause his eyes are always clouded with tears. He's such a crybaby and so weak. I hate him.

We corner him into his locker, which has an appropriate word written on it-idiot. He is.

His face is pale, his eyes downcast.

Calum asks "what's wrong, Lukey?"

He keeps quiet. We tease him and let him go after a few swift punches. I don't remember bruising his face so much yesterday.

I'm not satisfied so I tell him I'm gonna give him a private beating at his house. I thought he'd be more scared than he is, which makes me angry. I follow him to his bus stop and get of when he does. His house is quite big, in a calm, clean neighbourhood nothing like mine, instantly making me hate him even more. He fumbles with the keys, slipping them into the lock. He looks nervous to be home.

His mom glares at him but smiles at me. Weird. Once out of her sight, I grab hold of him and bang his head on the wall. Some dude who must be his brother pokes his head out of his room and batts his eyelids like nothing is happening. Growing more confident, I grip his soft blonde hair and twist viciously. He has tears running down his face. I need to make him scream. So I punch him in the stomach and begin the whispers...

"Cut yourself, your ugly, and stupid and you deserve everything I'm throwing at you.."

"I do..."

I think I hear him say, but I can't be sure.

He looks so fragile, like the next punch could break him.

If breaking him is the only cure for the
breaking in my heart,then so it be.

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