Author note

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Hi guys,

Sorry for the very slow update. Author baru je hbis SPM tahun lpas and I was literally taking my break after all the struggles during spm . Author tak tahu macam mana nak start the new chapter sbb i kind of lost the story lines. Tapi author akan buat yang terbaik untuk catch up the story and make the updates. Terima kasih untuk sesiapa yg vote crita ITU SETIA.  Dan thnk you for those who still reading my book. I really appreciate it. Lepas ni crita ni akan jd lebih Lebih LEBih LEBIh LEBIH menarik. In shaa allah. Thanks for the support and enjoy reading this book. Love you guys💖💖

P/s : Actually i'm not a master in english but i keep on trying my best to practise more in it. So, jgn benci author sbb author punya english punya lah broken sampai adk sekolah rendah boleh gelak. 😅

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