I : Competition

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A/N: Argh am I the only one who thinks Sero is like, the sweetest boy in 1-A? Probably. Anyways, I love that flex tape baby and couldn't resist writing something about him. For all you Sero stans out there, I hope you thoroughly enjoy this! I surely enjoyed planning and writing this

And yes, I just randomly inserted the headcanon that Sero used to play volleyball in junior high. I like the thought of him playing volley, okay? He'd be a good setter or even middle blocker.

Before you read, a little information on the quirk I picked for the reader

Quirk: Glide

The ability to glide a few inches over any surface (floors, walls, ceilings) on the soles of the feet, whether they're covered or not. On completely flat ground, the speed can go up to 100 kilometers per hour, but it drastically slows down on rougher surfaces. The more uneven the ground, the slower the glide. It feels like speed skating, but in thin air.

"Are you nuts?!" You yelled, holding Bakugou back by the collar of his shirt as he tried -- for the third time today -- to tackle down a terrified Midoriya. "I can't believe you've gotten this desperate, Bakugou! If Aizawa catches your ass, you're dead."

"Yeah, mom's right!" Kirishima pipped in, using the nickname you tried so hard to obliterate from their vocabulary.

"I'm not-"

"Apologize to mom!" Mina cut you off, pointing at the fuming blond who you were holding still.

"LIKE HELL I'M GONNA APOLOGIZE TO HER!" The explosive teen hollered.

"(L/N), you're dealing with an explosive hazard here," Sero started in a smooth voice. One you were trained to use with victims from villain attacks. He knew he shouldn't worry too much, but this was Bakugou you were currently dealing with. He might as well take precautions, whether they're serious or not. "I need you to make no sudden movements, it may alarm it even more."

"I'M NOT A HAZARD, TAPE FACE!" There was no way to tame the wild Bakugou this time. A bit worse and Hanta may start to actually worry for your wellbeing.

"Ouch, even Sero isn't safe today." Kaminari cringed. "Maybe it's time we let go, before he blows all of our faces off."

"If I let him go, Midoriya over there is going to be the one with the blown up face." You reminded before sighing out of exhaustion. You loved this squad, don't get me wrong; it's just that Bakugou was such a hassle. "Seriously, how do you aim to be a hero when you can barely manage to not kill one of your classmates..."


"Then why don't you act like it?" You calmly snapped back, earning a few hushed 'oo's from your friends. Both Sero and Mina gripped their chests, faking adoration while muttering something along the lines of 'so proud'. Before the hurricane named 'Bakugou' could lash out at you, Aizawa entered the class and gave the six of you a dirty look.

"The bell already rung. You should be seated."

Your homeroom teacher received five mutters that were most likely supposed to be apologies and an annoyed tongue click. Not even five seconds later, your troublemaking squad was seated and rendered silent.

"Now," Aizawa sighed, most likely glad that he didn't have to physically interfere this time around. "Before we start anything, I have an announcement."

The class didn't remain silent for long. Whispers and sounds of confusion echoed throughout the room while you shot a curious look to your right, making eye contact with Sero, who was seated right beside you (a mistake Aizawa always forgot to correct).

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