VIII : Outings

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By Friday, Sero still hadn't found anything for your date. After talking it through with him (and trying to get it through that thick skull of his that no, you're not too good for any types of dates, they're all fun and amazing), you figured it'd be best if you were the one who planned the date.

He hadn't agreed with you at first, complaining about how he should be the one to plan stuff but you managed to get his head off gender roles. Even Kirishima admitted that there was nothing wrong with letting you, a girl, plan the first date. If you remember correctly, he even said it was super manly of Sero to let you in on the planning.

You don't understand boys and you most likely never will.

Nevertheless, here you were, walking to the train station with a clueless Sero.

"Come on, you haven't even told me where we're going!" He loudly whined as you dragged him in the train with you.

"To be honest, I don't even know the name of the place. I just sorta know how to get there." You explained as you settled down in the seat next to the alley so your date could sit by the window. Out of nowhere, a question you were dying to ask earlier popped back into your mind. "Oh, I just remembered!"

Sero shot you a curious glance, urging you to continue.

"Can I call you Hanta now?"

The teenage boy's face lit up, soon rivaling a stop sign's colour. He nervously chuckled, thickly swallowing before trying to speak up. It seems that his mind and body were not communicating properly at the moment. Completely embarrassed, he hid his burning face behind his hands and nodded.

"Aw, you get embarrassed so easily!" You cooed, smiling at the effect you apparently had on him. "It's so different from how laid back you usually are!"

"Don't rub it in my face!" He complained. While you laughed at his antics, two voices ripped you out of your teasing session.

"You two are from that online video, right?" Two teenagers sat on the other side of the small alley in the train, one of them holding his phone up as if to compare. They looked like they were in their late teens, if not, early twenties.

"That's them alright!" The one with the phone said, smiling at you and Hanta. "It was super cute, by the way! Wholesome stuff like that should be way more popular on internet."

If your date wasn't already embarrassed, he sure was now, considering he was almost hiding behind you.

"Uh... thanks?" You questioned rather than answered.

"Are you two going on a date right now?" The second boy asked as he looked from Sero to you. "Sorry if we're interrupting it, but can we just get a picture with you two before you leave?"

Damn Mina for getting you internet famous.

"Uh..." You hesitated, looking back to Sero who seemed to be getting his colour back. "Alright."

A photoshoot and a nice conversation later, you were finally exiting the train with Hanta, who was over the moon about what just happened. After getting over the initial embarrassment of it all, he couldn't believe that the whole world now knew you were together. It's like the ultimate power move. Countless strangers all over the world were supporting him and his soon-to-be relationship with you!

"Man, I can't believe we're this famous already! Ashido only posted the video a few days ago, too!" He exclaimed as you walked him out of the train station and into the small and old-fashioned village you had heard about when you were looking for places to go on a date. It seems that he forgot to pry about the location like he had before getting on the train.

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