XV : Terror

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A/N: Trigger warning: VIOLENCE and slight SEXUAL ASSAULT

You definitely didn't miss the sound of your door gently opening while you were trying to fall asleep.

As soon as the hallway's light made way into your bedroom, you jumped out from the comfort of your bed. "What the hell?" You asked, expecting a teacher to show up in the doorway.

You were instead met with a familiar figure. "Sero, are you alright?" You asked, watching as he entered your room and closed the door behind him. "Hanta?"

"I can't sleep." He muttered. He was surprised when instead of walking over to him and doting, you kept your distance. "...what kind of bullshit did Ashido shove in your brain?"

"What?" To your horror, your body seized up as a threatening aura seemed to envelop Sero whole. "Sweetheart, what do y-"

"I'm hurt, (Y/N). I'm really hurt." In the darkness of your room, you couldn't spot the fake pout etched on his face as malice shone in his eyes. "She swoops in and within a heartbeat she has you wrapped around her pinky. What, are you into her more than you are into me now? Is that what's going on?"

You've never heard Hanta talk with so much venom in his tone. It was terrifying. For a split second, you thought that maybe this was just a night terror. Just a figment of your imagination. Until he took a step forward and the vibration of it travelled your entire body. "I thought you were aware that you were mine. And mine only."

You needed to try and calm him down. He wasn't in his right mind right now. "Hant-"

"Shh, it's okay. I'm not mad at you." You had no idea when, but Hanta managed to cross your entire room and show up right in front of you. His hand reached for your cheek and he gently cupped it, using his thumb to stroke your skin. "I'll make sure you know your place."

That didn't sound right to you. That didn't sound right at all but you didn't have any time to reply before he crashed his lips on yours, his unoccupied hand encircling your waist to tug you as close as possible to his body. The kiss might have been comfy and warm if it wasn't for the threatened feeling you were getting right now.

Your main mission was still to pacify Hanta to your best ability. Maybe if you kissed back, his doubts would fade away.

And so you did. Or, well, tried. As soon as he got a response, Hanta's kissing became frantic. He was using teeth, pulling on your lip, shoving his tongue in your mouth. It was getting hard to focus or just breathe.

You pulled away, gasping for air and coughing as your boyfriend looked down on you.

"Hanta, li-"

"Shh, keep my name in your mouth for later." He muttered, dipping his head to kiss his way from your ear down to your jaw before migrating to your neck. His words echoed in your head and red flags shot up in practically every part of your brain. Not that you didn't want to go on that level with him -- because you did -- but you didn't want your first time with him to be like this. You wanted it to mean something, you wanted it to be proof of love, not jealousy.

You were brought back to the startling reality you were in when he bit at your neck, causing you to jerk into action. "Hanta, no! I'm sorry but I don't want to right now!" Your hands flew up to his shoulders to push him away but as soon as your palms came into contact with his shirt, he caught your wrists and pinned your arms to your sides.

"Shh, you're not in the mood yet, it's alright." He cooed in your ear, sending terrified shivers through you. Seeing the way you quivered, he chuckled and nuzzled the mark on your neck as he breathily continued. "I'll get you there, don't worry. I'll take care of you."

This was not the way you wanted things to go. You love Hanta with all your heart of course, but this wasn't him. There was no way. It might be his body, but his mind wasn't there and you were certain of it.

Put your safety before others' for now, okay?

As if you were going to let yourself be sexually assaulted. Just thinking of harming Sero was enough to make you feel bad but as Mina said, you needed to put your safety first.

With your gliding quirk, you managed to give yourself a boost and slide on the floor, squeezing yourself between Sero's legs before turning on your stomach in an attempt to scramble to your feet and bolt to the door. Once you were out, you could get help. That's all you needed. Help. You won't need to physically hurt Hanta that way.

"Oh, no you don't!" The familiar feeling of tape wrapped around both of your ankles and tugged you back before pinning you to the ground, straddling your hips as he held your hands up above your head. "Come on, you love me, don't you?" He asked, slightly panting from the way you were struggling underneath him. "You gotta show me, (Y/N)! And I gotta show you that I'm better than Mina could ever be!"

Seeing as you were still struggling, Hanta lost the remaining of his composure. Grasping your two wrists in one hand, his unoccupied one struck down on you, roughly slapping your cheek.

He hit you.

Hanta hit you.

You laid there, unmoving and unbelieving as Sero stammered. "I--! I... Listen, you have to know your place, (Y/N). I love you." It was as if he thought those words were enough as an apology. Quite frankly, you couldn't think of anything that could make you forgive his violent act. He leaned down to kiss you again and you knew your next move already. It was going to hurt both of you, but it was better than to go through things you'll regret for your entire life.

When Sero's face was close enough to yours, you brought your forehead up to headbutt him, the two of your groaning and clutching your heads from the pain the defensive move caused. You, however, quickly forgot about it and scrambled up to your feet, ready to leave until you noticed Sero's unmoving form on the floor. Crap, did he pass out? Did you headbutt him too hard?

"H... Hanta?" You asked. He stirred while you flinched out of pure reflex. Your entire body was screaming at you to leave and go get Aizawa first but you couldn't move. Not until he woke up, at least.

"Ngh... Shit..." He slowly sat up, clutching his forehead until he noticed the lack of rug underneath him. Was he not in his room..?

Your eyes met Sero's and automatically, you felt yourself shrink. Even if he was sitting on the floor of your room, he felt so threatening; as if he still had the upper hand.

As if it'd give you an advantage, you reached for the light switch and flicked it on, soon noticing Hanta's glassy eyes. "(Y/N)... I'm so sorry..." He managed to choke out before tears started leaking down his cheeks. His hand reached up to cover his mouth as he let out a sob, unable to look at you anymore as he cried, unable to believe what he had done to you. "I don't... I didn't mean to..!"

You stormed out of the room without giving him a reply.

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