IX : Dream Team

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"This training exercise is meant for you all to learn how to use your quirks in environnements that may be to your disadvantage." Aizawa explained to your class as you looked at the many biomes on the monitor, trying to guess where you'll be assigned.

A city? Nope. It's too easy for you, considering the smooth pavement and buildings.

A frozen lake? Then again, too easy because of the flat surfaces.

The jungle? That might make sense, considering the ground is incredibly uneven. Urgh, you could already feel how unsatisfying it would be to try and use your quirk there.

The rocky desert? Yes, that could be a possible candidate too.

"You'll be partnered up in pairs for this exercise as well. We will give you around thirty minutes to try and come up with a plan, and the next thirty minutes will be fights against the other teams in your biome to test out your strategies. Does anyone have any questions?"

Seeing as no one raised their hands, Aizawa proceeded to pair everyone up. With your type of luck, you had expected to end up with Mineta (which happened to be your boyfriend's worst nightmare). It seemed fate had other plans for you today.

"Who bribed Aizawa?" Uraraka asked loudly as you were all heading towards the desert where you had been assigned.

"What? Don't you think we were just meant to be?" You asked, chuckling when just about everyone else cringed. "Remember; always expect the unexpected!"

"Isn't that what Sero said when we visited his room back at the dorms?" Your brown haired friend asked.

"It works in different situations too." Hanta shrugged. "I'm just glad she didn't end up with Mineta."

"I'm right here!" The small pervert complained.

"Anyways, you four are going down!" You exclaimed as you pointed to Mineta, Uraraka, Tokoyami and Sato.

"Don't count your chickens before they hatch!" Uraraka warned. "Tokoyami and I will definitely find some outstanding moves."

"And you're saying we won't?" Your boyfriend asked, smugly leaning back. "I have 1-A's mastermind with me, we're bound to win."

"I'm afraid I don't qualify when Momo and Todoroki are around." You reminded him before your stupid brain processed what you had just said. "Oh, wait! They aren't here with us."

Your friends sighed at the interaction before turning their attention to their partners and try to come up with strategies before they arrived in the assigned biome.

"Damn, you really have nothing here that could be beneficial for your tape, huh?" You asked, looking around the emptiness. "Not even a boulder or something."

"This is looking pretty grim for us..." Your boyfriend muttered, rubbing his feet on the uneven ground. "Even you'll go pretty slow..."

"Yeah." You sighed, looking around to see others already trying out some moves. "I can still glide, but I won't get much propulsion by myself..."

Hanta hummed, looking around as well. Really, his tape won't do much here... He might as well be considered quirkless. At least you can still glide, albeit not as fast as either of you would like. If only he could- "That's it!" He exclaimed, smiling at the brilliant idea. "(Y/N), go over there and activate your quirk!" He then pointed far away from where you were both currently standing.

"What? Why? What do you have in mind?" You wondered out loud. Sero getting a brilliant (and functioning) idea was pretty rare, and as much as you'd like to have faith in him, you were aware that this might not be one of his bright moments.

You still decided to listen to him, making his smile widen. You trust him so easily, it just makes him so happy to see that the two of you shared mutual trust like that.

"Alright, what now?!" You yelled from far off, raising your arms in the air.

"Don't fall, or else it won't be pretty!" He warned, aiming his arms at you. Before you could reply, your entire mid section was wrapped in tape and you were tugged forwards. Thanks to your activated quirk, you went way faster than predicted, converting you into a human bullet.

"Whoohoo!" You whooped as you were tugged in all kinds of directions by your boyfriend, who was trying to test how this could be useful to you both. To any outsiders, it must look like Sero was trying to kill you or something, but this was really fun.

"Alright, I'm cutting the tape, okay?!" He hollered. "I wanna see how far you'll go!"

"Fuckin' do it!" You screeched back, as dizzy as humanely possible. As soon as the tape wasn't attached to his elbow anymore, you went flying in a certain direction. By the time you were still again, you had to be at least a 300 meters away from your partner.

As soon as you deactivated your quirk, you fell on your ass, unable to stand up straight with the way your head was spinning. It might be pretty destructive for you, but it might be a really, really good move.

"(Y/N)! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Hanta came running at you like the devil was on his heels while you remained on the ground and watched him lose his breath for absolutely no reason at all. "Are you feeling sick? Does it hurt somewhere? Are you unable to get up? Oh, god! Did I paralyze you?!" He wheezed, falling on his knees in front of you.

"I appreciate the concern, Hanta, but I'm fine." You assured, laughing at his alarmed expression.

Your boyfriend frowned and took hold of your face, worry obvious on his features as he observed the way your eyes seemed to be unable to focus on one thing. "Your eyes," He pointed out. "They won't stop moving."

"That's because I'm dizzy." You explained, placing a hand above his. In an attempt to cheer him up, you leaned forwards to kiss him, only ending up pecking his nose instead. Eh, it was still a cute display of affection in your opinion.

"Here, I'll carry you back." He proposed, hooking an arm under your knees and one around your back as he lifted you up.

"I don't have any complaints about that." You muttered, leaning your head on his chest and focusing on his shoulder to try and get your cerebellum to calm down. "That was a good move, though. I'm proud of us."

"Yeah, I just need to remember not to swing you around that much." Sero chuckled, the blurry image of you circling around him at approximatively 100 kilometers per hour very amusing to him.

"It's fine, we have time to fix it." You assured before burying your face in his chest, almost making him cry. Oh, god you were so cute. Too cute.

Before he could make any remarks about how vulnerable you looked in his arms (he knew it'd get a strong reaction out of you), a yelp echoed from where the rest of your class was training.

"Hey..." You muttered, squinting to try and identify something -- or in your case, more like someone. "That guy doesn't look like he's being very friendly with Ochaco."

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