XIII : Hypocrite

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"Alright you two, get off each other and get changed before you're late for class." Mina sighed at the sight of Sero cuddling your back as you were trying to prepare the rest of your breakfast. Yeah, maybe you spoiled him a bit this weekend by sleeping in his room with him, and he might have gotten a bit... clingy. If the two of you were all alone, you would have embraced it and clung to him too, but you weren't alone. You were technically in a semi-public space. Technically.

"Shh..." Sero muttered, keeping his hands around your waist and his face between your shoulder blades. "You're just salty because you didn't get to sleep with her."

"HANTA!" The face you gave Hanta as you scolded him was the same one you gave her. Alarmed. Then she raised an eyebrow as you were profusely shaking your head, denying what must have sounded so bad.

"Did I just hear that right?" Kaminari asked, trying his best to contain his curious tone of voice.

"No, you didn't!" You yelled back. "That's not what Hanta meant!"

"What went on in that bedroom, huh (Y/N)?" Ashido crossed her arms over her chest, as if you had betrayed her. In a way, it was true considering she had been pestering you over Hanta's 'odd' behaviour Friday ever since it happened. And for the last time, no you weren't about to break up with him over it. You knew very well now that it was just a slip up.

"Nothing other than sleeping!" You assured. "I swear!"

"Not gonna lie, I wish more had happened." Your boyfriend vocally admitted. It's as if he was feeding off the outrageous reactions that occurred around him. What the hell?

"Sero, stooooopp!" You whined, wiggling out of his grasp with your breakfast in hand. You pouted at him. "That's the last time I sleep over in your room." With that, you walked away and seated yourself with Uraraka, Midoriya and Iida, who seemed to hold at least a little respect (and pity) for you at the moment.

"But babee..." You heard your boyfriend whine from behind you. You payed him no mind.

"Yes! Take that!"

You completely gave up on keeping your composure while fighting against the robotic enemy in front of you. Turning around when you saw an opening, you decided to give him a piece of your mind. "Hanta Sero if you keep distracting me from the fight I'll kick your ass!"

"Not my fault my girlfriend's badass!" He shot back before sticking his tongue out at you.

"(L/N)!" All Might exclaimed, giving you a disapproving look. "Focus on the task at hand! The sooner your results come in, the sooner we can go to the next exercise!"

Completely done with playing around, you decided to finish off quickly. Using the metal bracing on your legs, you glided along the floor and lifted one leg up to distribute a powerful roundhouse kick on the robot's side, denting it beyond repair.

"Yeah! That's my number one girl! Aren't you salty about it?!" Your boyfriend then pointed at an irked Bakugou.

"If you don't shut up I'll blow your plain looking ass up!" The blonde yelled.

"You have my full consent to do so." You assured as you dusted yourself off and joined the rest of the class.

"Now, now, young Bakugou!" Your heroics teacher tried to reason. "Can your violence wait until class is over?" What a fine strategy that is. Wait until he's not the adult responsible for Sero's murder anymore.

As if he hadn't just gotten threatened to be blown to bits (or threatened to get beaten up by his own girlfriend), Hanta had made his way to you and lazily draped an arm around your shoulders as All Might explained the next part of the exercise. Although you already knew the basics of it -- get partnered up, learn how to use the other's quirk to your advantage, fight another team head on --, you were more focused on what the hell the boy beside you was doing.

Out of respect, the two of you were rarely all lovey-dovey in school. You had both agreed it was gross and unnecessary. So why the hell was Sero looking at you with those doe eyes right now?

"Can I help you with anything?" You annoyedly muttered, pinching his arm as an attempt to hint at him that he was going all PDA on your ass.

"Yeah, you stole something from me, you thief." He grinned, still giving you what you weren't sure you should classify as a lovesick gaze or straight up bedroom eyes. "I want my heart back." It was a sick mix of both.

"Hanta, what the fu-"

"(L/N), I'll have you paired up with Shouji!" All Might explained while energetically pointing at you and the tall teenager standing on your right. "Sero, with Jirou!"

"Hah?" The male in question asked, his grip on your shoulder slightly tightening. What was going on with him? "Why can't I be with (L/N), sir? I never did this kind of training with her!"

"Someone's clingy!" Hagakure whispered to Jirou, who nodded in agreement while you were left standing there feeling embarrassed about his immature antics. You don't know how, but Sero caught onto what Tooru had said and sent her the meanest glare you had ever seen him muster up, before his upper lip twitched in what looked like a disgusted scowl. What was wrong with him?!

"You and (L/N) already trained team attacks a week ago." All Might carefully explained, seeing how uncharacteristically irritable Hanta was today. "Besides, her cerebellum still isn't quite recovered, so we can't risk anything with your team strategies."

Having enough of his bullshit, you pushed his arm off of you and stomped off to where Hagakure, Jirou and Shouji were standing. "Good luck with him." You sincerely gave Kyoka a sorry glance as she looked back at Sero, whose jaw was clenched and looking over to where you were standing, your back still turned to him.

"Are you alright?" Shouji asked, making sure you, Hagakure and Jirou were the only ones who could hear his question. You were thankful that they worried about you, but they should be more worried about Hanta right now.

"I'm alright, thanks for asking." You gave Mezou a thankful smile which made Hanta's blood boil.

How dare he take your attention off him?

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