X : The Struggle for Survival

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The way your friends were fleeing from the strangers gave you frightening doubts.

"What's going on?!" You asked once they had made it to you. One look at Mineta's frightened expression and you knew this wasn't good.

"Villains! They're villains!" Uraraka exclaimed. "We need to find a teacher!"

Crap, this wasn't good. And it was even worse that you were all in a biome that was to your disadvantage.

Scrambling out of Sero's grasp, you wondered what you should do. "Someone needs to stay back! If we all go, we'll just lead them to the others. Besides, the nearest teacher has to be miles away right now!"

"We're supposed to have one supervising us!" Sato exclaimed. "Who was it supposed to be?!"

"I heard it was All Might!" Hanta informed.

"Ah, it makes sense." Both you and Tokoyami deadpanned. Bonus points to All Might for always not being there when slightly needed. "He'll come around when we're in critical need."

"That's not--!" Uraraka started before looking back at the villains multiplying. "(Y/N), y-"

"All students are permitted to fight back for defense purposes only!" Present Mic's voice rang out through the entire biome, making you all flinch at the sheer loudness. It was what you needed, nonetheless.

"Listen, we might be at a disadvantage here, but we had a few minutes to get some good moves going. Let's use those and defend ourselves until a pro hero arrives." You suggested, determination laced in your tone.

"That's risky!" Uraraka complained, looking back at the villains who were now approaching you all. "How did they even find us?!"

"Probably the same way they found us the first time." Tokoyami muttered. "Dark Shadow's really weak in this place, but since we have the green light to fight back, we might as well use it."

"That's the spirit!" You cheered. "Now let's split up! We don't want this to turn into a clusterfuck. Stay paired up like you were, so you all have one long-distance and one close-distance for combat purposes!" With that, you separated from the group, Sero on your heels.

"That one over there has an eye on us! Are you sure this is the best outcome?!" Your boyfriend worriedly asked, eyeing down the guy who was now charging at you both. It was difficult to guess what his quirk was.

"We're good, just use your tape to bind him." You shrugged. As long as he was far away, it was good. Sero's long-distance combat abilities were amazing (when not paired up with Todoroki, like at the sports festival).

"Argh, I guess so." The male stretched a bit before he engaged combat with the villain. "Besides, we'll get to see what kind of quirk we're up against." Neither of you could hide your looks of surprise when nothing unnatural happened to the man in front of you. He attempted to dodge Hanta's attack to the best of his abilities yet still ended up entangled in the sticky tape. No flames, no teleportation, no mutation. Was he quirkless? How come a quirkless villain would try to attack U.A. students?

"That was odd- EEP!" You squealed when what felt like a leg collided with the back of your head. You stumbled forwards before turning around, noticing the kangaroo-looking woman in front of you, already trying to hit you or Hanta again with her tail. You managed to sloppily dodge her attacks, although you felt slightly dizzy from her hit. It must've shaken your already poorly functioning cerebellum. You'll need to rest up when you get back...

Seeing how clumsy you were acting immediately alarmed Hanta. "Are you alright? Maybe you should step back."

"Hell no!" You grunted when the kangaroo tail hit your forearm, which you used to protect your face. "You guys need all the help you can get!"

Sero was clearly unsure. "We'll deal with this one and then assess, okay?! Tape me!"

"What?! No! You're still dizzy!"

"And I'm still standing." The villain smugly remarked. "You two can try as much as you'd like, you'll be down in a few minutes."

"Don't count your chickens before they hatch!" You snapped back. You always despised the cockiness some villains possessed. "Hanta, tape me right now!"

"Fine!" Your boyfriend cracked, wrapping the white bands around you and quickly swinging you around him as you activated your quirk. Before you were facing the woman again, you leapt in the air and let the centrifugal force do its job, causing your feet to go flying and hitting the kangaroo villain straight in the face. As soon as she was incapacitated, Sero let you down and kept you up straight as you struggled to make you vision stop spinning.

"The only villains still standing are the ones the others are fighting." Sero informed as soon as you were able to stand on your own. "Looks like we have the upper hand though. Are you feeling alright?"

You looked down at the ground, satisfied to see that your vision wasn't moving at all. "Yea-"

Sero's shocked gasp caused you to look up and back away as soon as you noticed the villain looming above his shoulder, a hand wrapped around his throat.

"Ah, young love, am I right?" He chuckled. That was the villain Sero tapped up earlier, the one who didn't manifest his quirk. Crap, you should have kept a closer eye on him... "Those feelings... They're beautiful, aren't they?"

"Let him go." You ordered, knowing full well he probably won't let him go. It was worth a shot, wasn't it?

"Or what? You'll glide all over me? You'll defeat me with the power of love?" He mocked. "The only one with an offensive quirk here is your little prince charming, and he's between a rock and a hard place right now."

As if on cue, Hanta attempted to move, causing the villain to tighten the chokehold he had on him. "Ah, ah! Let's make a deal. If you move, I'll go after your girlfriend instead. Is that clear?"

What a way to render your boyfriend useless. The two of you remained still, not wanting to move and endanger the other's life.

"I wonder how much he cares about you..." The man muttered, apparently focusing on something. You hoped it wasn't his quirk. "Ohohoho... Interesting. I can't wait to see how that goes in the news."

"Listen, if I were you, I'd go right now. All Might could arrive any time soon and you'd have more chances if you don't use your quirk." You still had a chance after all, considering the fact that Hanta didn't look disturbed or in pain.

"Trying to pacify me, are you?" He mocked. "I'm afraid i-"

A loud crash echoed throughout the desert as All Might's familiar laugh sent relief flowing through your bloodstream. Hanta'll be fine.

"Argh, shit." The villain muttered, letting go of Sero (who was starting to turn a bit red from the lack of oxygen) and pushing him towards you. You quickly took a few steps forwards to stop him from collapsing to the floor, your mind focusing on him instead of the villain who was now fleeing from the pro hero on the scene.

"Breathe, Hanta. Breathe." You reminded as he coughed and gasped in your arms for much needed air. "I got you. You're alright. Nothing happened to you. You're okay."

Looking back at the scene, you wished you hadn't been so ignorant.

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