Chapter Three

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I woke up the next morning, laying in my bed. I yawned as I rolled out of bed, falling onto the floor. I stumbled into the bathroom, attempting to make myself look presentable, which to be honest was a very difficult task. Whenever I complained about being ugly, people would tell me to shut up and they would tell me that I looked nice.

Define: nice.

If I ever had the opportunity to write a definition for that word, in the dictionary, my definition would go something along the lines of this:

Nice; the word to use when you try to thing of a compliment for a failing object but can't think of anything. Example: "Oh yeah, you look uh, nice"

Makes sense though, right?

I walked out of the bathroom after making no difference to my appearance at all and walked down to the hotel café. I hoped they had Poptarts, if not I'd have to walk to the store and get trampled by fans.

Not my fans, Finn's fans. I wondered why I hadn't been trampled as I went down to the café, sitting down and waiting for someone to take my orders.

I saw a shadow lean over the table, assuming it was a waitress, I kept my eyes on the menu and ordered...

"Yeah, I'd like Poptarts. It you don't have Poptarts then I suppose pancakes would do. Oh, and also could I have a coffee, please?" I said.

"Damn, that's a lot of sugar for breakfast. Sure you wouldn't just want some cinnamon toast crunch cereal?" A voice said.

I looked up and saw that it had not been a waitress, it had been Dylan. Dylan Kingwell

"Oh hey Dylan" I giggled and waved slightly. Dylan chuckled and sat opposite me.

"Soooo, you know how we're in that film together?" He asked and I nodded, "Well, I think we should do some bonding before the script read-through later"

I blushed.

"Yeah sounds good, where do you suggest we bond?" I said, regretting it because I realized it sounded kinda InNaPrOprIAtE.

"Anywhere you want" Dylan winked, picking up on the innuendo. I shook my head, laughing softly.

"I hear there's a pretty cool ice cream place down the road?" I suggested.

"Nah, that's so cliché. Let's go ice skating" He said.

"But I can't skate, I'll die. I don't want to die in front of my celebrity crush-" I blurted out

Dylan smirked and winked slightly, "Ooh, celebrity crush huh?"

I went so red that the red velvet Poptarts behind the counter were jealous.

"Its a long story.." I mumbled, smiling a bit

"I'm sure you can tell me on the way" He smiled

/TImE skIp cUz iM lAzY\

Dylan and I walked into the ice skating place, it was about an hour and a half after we left the hotel because we got trampled by fans about fifty times. Dylan paid for the ice-skating skate things, I don't know, and we put them on.

They were really difficult to walk in but Dylan was doing just fine.

"You done this before?" I asked as I fell over, him grabbing my arm to stop me.

He chuckled softly, "Many times, don't worry, I got you"

Dylan walked my over to the ice rink, I looked at everyone skating perfectly, feeling intimated. I stepped onto the ice and wobbled around, scared I would fall. Dylan stepped onto the ice as if he was just stepping onto normal ground, he held my arm to stop me from falling, again.

With his assistance, we made our way to the middle of the ice rink, my arms wailing around constantly.

"Calm down, I won't let you fall!" Dylan laughs as he moved his feet around like a professional. Not gonna lie I was low-key jealous of his skills, I giggled as we just sort of stood in the middle of the ice rink, not moving because I'd probably fall.

We just talked about random stuff, we talked about the movie and funny things that had happened to us. Dylan was right, this really helped bond us!

We got bored of standing still so we moved around a bit, me sliding all over the place.

"Dylan I can't do this omg, I'm gonna die! I'm gonna fall and break my leg and I can't and you're too good at this and I just I can't okay I cant-" I rambled

"Oh my godddd, shut up" Dylan grabbed my arms to stop me from sliding around.

But I fell forwards into him, my lips falling against his breifly. As I tried to pull away quickly, he kept kissing me, not letting go.

This was bonding.


Yeet, hope you liked! Uhm don't be a ghost reader because I'd appreciate it if you would vote and comment because without support I have no motivation to write more 😂❤️

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