Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Are you sure it's worth fighting so hard for this?"

Was it? Sure it was. That was what I thought immediately. I assured him that it was okay.
I really liked Dylan, and I was sure that once I reminded him, he liked my back.

"Okay fine, but if he hurts you then I told you so" Jack told me as he winked. I rolled my eyes playfully and grabbed my laptop. I turned it on and went to Amazon. Jack watched me curiously.

"What are you doing?" He asked me, eyes fixed on the screen.

"I'm buying Dylan, 'im sorry' balloons." I replied and scrolled through the options on the screen.

"Why are you wasting your money? Just go and talk to him."

Hm. Valid point, but I just thought that Dylan wouldn't talk to me if I tried to talk to him. And boy, I really just wanted him to talk to me so we could sort stuff out and go back to how we used to be. So we could go on dates, be couple goals. So I guessed that I should get him something cute yet cringy to start the conversation.

I shrugged at jack's question and found some balloons that I liked and thought that Dylan would like too. I clicked buy and realised that it was going to be shipped from China and that it would take months. Dammit. Abort plan A for sure, I want going to wait that long.

I was kind of good at baking cakes. Maybe I could make him a cake with ' I'm sorry' sprawled across the front in bright pink icing. Maybe not pink, perhaps a light shade of blue?

Yes! Good idea! And it could have 4 layers, with rich chocolate icing, decorated perfectly and with ever type of sprinkle you could imagine!

But of course my decorative skills weren't going to pay off enough for me to do that. I mean, considering that I managed to burn a piece of toast before. Yes, a piece of toast. I guess that idea was out of the bag too.

So I thought, and I thought and I thought. Until, I got to a point where I decided that I might just give up on Dylan all together. End this fanfic and start a new one, about the joys of divorce. But I said no, to myself! No, I wasn't going to give up, I wanted Dylan and I was going to get Dylan if it's the last thing I do!

If I wasn't going to win him with balloons or a cake, I could win him with something else, something spectacular! He would love it, he's loved it before!

Hockey. Yes, hockey. For definite, it's all he ever talks about. Maybe I could get him tickets to a game or something?

I explained my ideas to Jack, he rolled his eyes.

"Y/N, it's sweet that you're putting in so much effort but seriously. All that shit is going to make you seem desperate." He told me.

Damn, thanks a bunch Jack.

"But wouldn't it start a conversa-" I stared before he cut me off.

"No, Y/N! You can't just shower him in gifts to make things better, you have to make things better. He isn't going to be dating the hockey stick you buy him, he's going to be dating you. So you can't buy him stuff to make you seem all nice because I'm the end of all of this, you are just you." He went off on a rant, I stepped back and folded my arms.

"Do you not want me back together with him or something?" I asked, a little annoyed at how he was acting.

"I'm just saying! There's no point of doing all this, because it won't help! You just need to talk to him, that's all you can do!" His voice took a slight angry tone, "There are better people than him, better people like-"

A knock on the door interupted him, I called for them to enter.

To our surprise, in walked Dylan, holding some roses. Woah, I was not excepting that. Jack looked at him and smiled.

"Awe, sweetcakes, are those for me?" He teased and tossed Dylan's hair up before walking out of the room. Leaving Dylan and I alone for the first time in a while.

"Look Y/N, I spoke to Noah and he made me realise that I've been an asshole. I should have let you say your side of the story from the beginning, instead I just went off and felt sorry for myself. So I'm here to let you tell me how it went, I'll listen this time. I promise." He whispered the last sentence and then sat down on the couch next to me, handing me the rose.

I took a deep breath and got ready to tell him the story.

All of it.

Oml guys I am so sorry that it took me so long to get this out!
I have been so busy but now I'm back and hopefully you won't have to wait too long for the next chapter!

I'm so happy, at this moment in time, this story is number 1 in #dylankingwell!

Thank you guys so much for all the support!

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