Chapter Five

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Dylan was too polite to tell them no, so they were all coming to his penthouse for a sleepover. I was kinda pissed, I mean, I wanted a chance to talk to Dylan about what happened on the ice rink. I guess that couldn't happen now, and I really needed to talk to him about it. Wasn't he dating that Kenzie Breslaw? And weren't they like mAdLy iN lOvE? And don't they post photos together ALL👏THE👏FUCKING👏TIME👏? Well I guess I won't get a chance to ask him about any of that, unless I find a way to get him alone.

I went to my room and packed my shit together, not all of my stuff though. I travel light, so I just grabbed my pyjamas and toiletries. I walked to the door, ready to leave but I remembered my headphones. So I grabbed them quickly before heading up to Dylan's penthouse. I was very glad if remembered my headphones because who knows how bored I might get during the sleepover. I mean, maybe they are all lightweights and go to sleep set like 7pm and then I'm awake by myself. Bored to death!

I knocked on the door and Dylan answered immediately. I could hear chatting inside and dreaded to see the amount of people Hayden had brought along. Dylan didn't seem too happy, fed up already.

"Hey Y/N, come in. There's so many people, it's annoying. Someone already trashed the bathroom!" Dylan told me as he stepped aside to let me in.

"Wow, sounds pretty bad" I said I walked in, closing the door behind me. I scanned the room, and wow, there really were tonnes of people here. Familiar faces though. I'd have been okay with a couple of people. But there were tonnes!

From the first glance, I noticed that I had seen all of them online before. Hayden Summeral, Noah Schnapp, Wyatt Oleff, Louis Hynes, Lilia Buckingham and Asher Angel.

Damn, too many for my liking. Dylan took my arm, gesturing for me to follow him. Probably to talk about earlier or just escape the people, either option would do to be honest. Unfortunately before we could leave, Hayden called over to me.

"Hey Y/N!" He smiled as he waved. Not gonna lie, he was kind of cute, annoying at times, but cute.

I glanced at Dylan before making my way over to the group, forcing myself to be social. I was okay with Louis being there, I was a fan. I knew Lilia, she was nice. Finn was friends with Noah and Wyatt so I knew that they were okay. The only one I hadn't really heard much about, was Asher Angel. I knew him from Andi Mack but I hadn't watched it, my friends did, but I didn't. Noah smiled at me from his seat next to Wyatt and Louis, I smiled back. The others looked at me as if they were waiting for me to do something. Lilia stood up and hugged me, smiling.

"I'm so glad you came Y/N!" She smiled and Hayden nodded.

"Yeah, me too!" He said. Noah and Wyatt stood up, waving a bit.

"Hey, nice to meet you. Finn talks about you all the time!" Noah told me as Wyatt nodded.

Alright, so they were all okay with me. Well I hadn't spoken to Louis or Asher yet but I'm sure they're okay with it too. We all just sort of talked, sat around and ate food. It was much more calm after I had arrived. It probably took me too long to notice but Dylan wasn't there. I looked around the chairs, I couldn't see him. I quickly excused myself and walked to the bathroom, knocking on the door. No answer. I opened the door and he wasn't inside.

I walked to the kitchen, it was a mess from all the snacks we had spilled everywhere but Dylan wasn't in there either. I sighed, not knowing where he was. I checked his bedroom, firstly knocking on the door and then peering inside. No sign of him.

I decided to look around the hotel, so I told the others that I was going to quickly grab something from my room. I walked down the hall, to the elevator and got inside. I went down to the lobby and looked around there, I couldn't find him.

So I decided I'd just go to the café, maybe he'd be there? He was. I walked in and saw him scrolling through Instagram, sitting down in a booth by himself, eating a bagel. I sat opposite him.

"Found you." I smirked slightly, poking his arm. He looked up and giggled.

"Took you a while, didn't it?" He replied and I nodded.

"Yeah, definitely. Couldn't stand the noise?" I asked him.

"Pretty much, that Hayden pisses me off. Something about him, you know? I mean, I was thrilled when he brought Noah Schnapp along with him, you know how much I love Stranger Things. But, I don't know, something about him.." Dylan said, taking a bite of his bagel.

I nodded a bit, not sure how to reply.

"Who you texting?" I asked, gesturing to his phone. He kept his eyes on his phone.

"Uhm.. Kenzie" He mumbled as he continued to type.

I guessed they were still on then, even after the whole kiss thing earlier...

Hey! Thanks for reading! I really hope you are enjoying the story so far! Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts.

Alsooooo, Dylan noticed me on his live! It was the best thing that ever happened to me! It went like this:


Dylan: Do I use correct grammar when texting? If not we can't be friends.. Well you didn't end that sentence with a period so you didn't use correct grammar either. OH, what was that? Did I just-? Was that a just a burn there? *Punches the air* Absolutely destroyed. Uhm, for the most part, yes, I do use correct grammar but I don't end sentences with a period because it- everyone takes that as me being upset or mad so, uhm, so. Aside from that, yes, correct grammar 99% of the time.

Soo I'm very happy :))))

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