Chapter Four

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After the kiss we just sort of awkwardly smiled at eachother and then continued as if nothing happened. Time passed and we had to get the the read-through, so we returned the skates and put our shoes back on, before making our way to the studio.

It was pretty close to the ice rink, and it was a large building. Dylan and I walked inside, people crowding everywhere. We pushed our way through to the front desk, Dylan took the lead.

"Hey we're-" He starts before being cut off.

"Y/N Wolfhard and Dylan Kingwell, we know. You need to go to room 89" The lady at the desk said. A guy showed us the way, guiding us through busy corridors until we took a left turn into a desolate hallway.

Small talk could be heard through a door and we walked in. It was the read-through room, with lots of people inside. There was a long table, with our names at seats, each a script next to them.

Dylan and I were sitting at different ends of the table, I was sitting buy a girl named Lilia Buckingham. Wait.


Okay. A guy called Matthew Martinez walked up to Dylan and I, introducing himself. He was the director and writer of the film. He seemed very nice and welcomed us to the cast and crew. Dylan and I sat in our seats and it didn't take long before Lilia came in and sat down. My inner fangirl bubbled as I tried to stay calm. Lilia smiled at me and put her hand out for me to shake.

"Hey, it's nice to meet you! I'm Lilia as you can probably tell by the name tag" She giggled as she waited for me to shake her hand.

"H-Hi, nice to meet you it is. I'm Wolfhard Y/N. I mean, uH-" I stumbled over my words, mentally cursing at myself.

Lilia laughed softly, like an angel. "Yeah, I know. You're Y/N Wolfhard, I met your brother a couple of years ago. Also I'd know because of the nametag"

I smiled, calming down because of how nice she was.

"Oh, yeah. Well I'm a big fan of you!" I told her, not screeching this time.

Lilia and I talked for a few minutes before Matthew silenced everyone around the table, there were at least 25 of us and I assumed it was the cast and producers. I didn't think anyone else from the crew would be there, so it was probably just cast, writers and producers. And Matthew, obviously.

"Alright, well it's great you all came! Even if not all on time ..." He glanced at some boys, about my age, at the end of the table. "So we'll just go through the script today, check that everything is okay with people and see if anything needs changing."

We started reading through the script. It was actually a very well written film, and besides that point, it was extremely entertaining! I played a character called Zoe Johnson, she's like the nerd of the school but very nice. She struggles with talking to people and gets scared, but she meets Toby Smith and immediately clicks with him.

Toby Smith was played by a guy called Hayden Summeral. I knew who he was but I wasn't a fangirl, but I thought he was alright. I was low-key disappointed at the fact that Dylan wasn't playing my characters love interest. Lilia played Zoe's best friend called Lizzie.

Apart from me hating the casting choices, it was pretty good. Dylan had a very small part, he played one of the members of the soccer team. He should have had a bigger part for sure.

We finished reading through the script about 3 hours later and I decided to go and talk with Hayden. He was talking to Dylan at the time, so I went over.

"Hey Dylan!" I said and he smiled at me. "Oh, you must be Hayden, right?" I asked, trying to be friendly.

"Yep, that's me. And you're Y/N Wolfhard?" Hayden said.

"Yep, that's me" I joked, copying what he said. Hayden giggled and I also giggled. Dylan didn't giggle, instead he seemed kinda annoyed and coughed.

"So. Y/N, wanna stay over my hotel room tonight? You know, for a sleepover?" Dylan asked, hope in his eyes.

"Yeah, I'd love that." I smiled, blushing a bit.

"You know what? That sounds like an awesome idea! How about we all stay together? I'll invite some others over too!" Hayden said, inviting himself.

I looked at Dylan as he shot at Hayden with invisible daggers.

Hope you like this! Don't think that I hate Hayden, he's pretty cool, but like we needed someone to get in-between the lovers so-

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