Chapter Fourteen

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I turned my phone off after I had sent the message. I questioned whether what I was doing was right. I mean, it wasn't the worst thing I could do. It wasn't as if I was going to cheat in him with his ex because that wouldn't be nice and that wouldn't happen anyway and I'm straight-

But aside from that, it wasn't the worst. I just wanted a heads up from his ex, so I knew if he was going to do anything like that dream. I say dream, it was more of a nightmare to be honest.  I was pretty sure he wouldn't do that anyway, but better to be safe than sorry.

My phone screen lit up with a notification, it was Kenzie. Damn this girl replied fast, I like it.

"Oh wow! Hey Y/N! Of course, you can ask me anything ❤️"

I smiled at the response and continued to type out my next message:

"Thank you. So I was wondering what Dylan is like as a boyfriend?"

She spent a few minutes typing, the dots leaving and popping back up occasionally. Her reply flashed up:

"Oh he's great. Kind, funny and always listens, even when I'm being over dramatic af, why?"

I nodded a bit, typing a new message:

"Oh, I was just curious. You seem really nice, wanna meet up sometime?"

She replied instantly:

"You. Y/N Wolfhard, want to meet up with ME? Yes! I'd love to!"

I smiled and told her the time and place before turning my phone off.

Okay, so he was nice and I didn't need to worry. I felt as though I should find out more, I guessed that I'd just ask when we met up tomorrow. I put some clothes on and made myself semi-presentable and all that. I decides that I'd spend some time with my friends today. I wasn't sure who though. My thoughts went like this:

•Dylan•- I'd seen loads yesterday.
•Hayden•- Couldn't be dealing with that shit right now.
•Asher•- Probably fucking Lilia.
•Lilia•- Probably being fucked by Asher.
•Noah•- Meh.
•Wyatt•- Meh.
•Louis•- Meh.

So that left me, myself and I.

I left the hotel, putting sunglasses on and putting my hood up so people wouldn't recognize me. Occasionally some people would ask for my photo but I took them discreetly and didn't draw that much attention. I found a nice spot in the park to sit at, it was far away from people. I was sitting under a tree and couldn't see anyone.

I thought about Dylan. Everything I loved about him and I was just starting to think back to the dream when I heard someone walking up behind me.

Noah's POV
I had been hanging out with Wyatt all day. I mean, it had been fun and all but we literally only played Zelda. I like Zelda, don't get me wrong, but I just don't see what's wrong with playing Roblox now and again. The other day, I made this game on Roblox and it's super cool and I really just wanted to show Wyatt so he could play it with me but he just wanted to play Zelda. Which by now, was getting tiresome and boring so I told him I was gonna take a walk for a while. Which was what I was doing, I walked to the ice cream shop.

The ice cream shop had a really long queue, which I didn't want to queue in so I left. Then I went to McDonald's and I got a veggie burger because, I wanted to try it out.

BIG MISTAKE. It was not my glass of lemonade at all. I like my lemonade sweet and the veggie burger was an insult to burgers. There was no meat! Can you believe that??

Anyway, I binned my veggie burger and just ate the fries, which were heavily salted and for a moment I questioned the calories but then I remembered that I didn't care about the calories so ate them anyway.

And then I walked to the park and sat on the swings for a while, until some little girl asked me for a them so I had to get off and push her around on the swing. In the end I got bored so I told her to push herself and sat on a bench.

Sooner or later, I got up off the bench because I saw Y/N walk into the tree area. I was going to go and see her, for a friendly conversation, but then I saw a guy in a black hoodie follow her in. I raised an eyebrow as I watched him follow her and I made my way over to them, slowly. I kept my distance.

Before I could turn around to see who it was, a hand covered my mouth and shoved me into the ground.


Oof tea 💖

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