Four - Colby

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Corey gasped. We all saw it at the same time. She had a gun and when she entered the room she was holding it behind her back.

Her head whipped around but none of us moved. An idea popped into my head. "Please, can I have your number?" she cut her eyes immediately.


"You said you like exploring,maybe you could feature in a video with us one time" I smiled at her. I didn't expect her to do anything but speed away. It seemed as though she was having a mental argument as she frown but then she walked over to the window with her arm extended.

She took the phone, putting her number in it. "Thanks" she ignored me, though. The moment she had sped away we all looked at each other.

Sam hadn't been filming because, well, we were scared shitless. "We could've gotten shot just then" Elton said. He was scared too; we could tell because he was laughing quietly to himself.

"My question is why'd she have a gun, though?" Sam said.

"And why couldn't we know her name?" I said. Corey just stood in shock.

"Maybe we should leave" Elton suggested. Corey shook his head.

"We need to go where she came from and find out what she did" Corey's face showed he wasn't gonna fight about this. It was set that he was going.

"I don't really wanna know. Give me the camera" I demanded. I lifted it to see me. "OK guys so we didn't film this because we were scared but something terrifying just happened" I said. "Basically there were a bunch of footsteps and they started coming towards us. Then this girl came through that door" I pointed to it, "and she was acting kind of suspicious. After a little while, she left and when her back was turned, we saw that's he had a fucking gun" we all looked at each other.

"Yeah, it was hanging out a little" Sam confirmed.

"Corey wants to find out if she's done anything with it but I don't think we should" I added.

"Who votes to leave?" Elton asked. He out his hand up and so did me and Sam. "Sorry buddy, I'm sure she didn't do anything. She could be a cop for all we know, even if she said she wasn't. Or some undercover agent that's good" Elton wad just trying to get Corey to leave with us.

He sighed, "fine, let's go"


We were still talking about it when we got home. Kat and Devyn were worried along with the other roommates but Part of me wasn't scared at all. I don't think she'd've done anything. I think the gun was just a threat.

"Colby are you OK?" Aaron asked. I snapped my head up.

"Yeah, why?" I was confused why he asked. Was I doing something weird I wasn't aware of? Or was I off in space?

"Nothing, it doesn't matter" he smiled. I returned the smile then received a text. It was from her. She said she can't tell me her name still but they could call her Octopus... bit random don't you think?

I managed to get her to talk with me for a while. She was actually kinda cool. She still had an edginess and danger warning that told me she would have shot us if she had to but I wasn't about to twll her I knew she has a gun. That's asking for a death sentence... or a bullet to the head.

Soul - Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now