Forty-One - Octavia

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I woke up feeling more energetic than I probably should. I sat up and looked around. The room was light thanks to lights but I could see it was actually dark outside. "You OK?" Colby asked. My head whipped over to see him. He'd shuffled closer to me, I could tell by his position. 

"Yeah, completely, actually," I said. I was genuinely surprised. 

"OK, let's go," Colby stood up.

"Wait, where's everyone else?"


"Oh..." I looked at the floor. I had a small idea pop into the back of my mind but discarded it. "Um, OK, yeah. Let's go," I stood up, too. Colby typed a few things on his phone. He opened the door. For some reason, nothing else paranormal happened. 

I sat in the passenger seat of Colby's car as we drove back to the house. I dreaded the attention I'd probably get the moment I walked through the door. I was right, too. "Are you OK?" "How are you feeling?" I just answered by asking to go to sleep, they agreed. Colby joined me, too, which was nice. 


I had been to the house every day since Queen Mary. Colby and I were the main ones hanging out but I always tagged along when we went to get dinner. The video was long out and I had yet to speak to Aaron about his secret voice recording; I hadn't said anything to anyone else yet, either. 

I sat down in the booth with the guys and Devyn. We were at Pizza Hut today. I shared with Colby. Jake shared with Aaron. And Sam shared with Devyn and Corey - they were the slowest eaters / ate the least / both (COREY). I took a bite of me and Colby's pizza, talking to the guys and having overall a great time. What I neglected to tell the group, though, was that Colby and I were holding hands under the table. No one had figured it out yet, not to my knowledge anyway. 

"How's your stomach?" Devyn asked sweetly. 

"Well, as you know, Dev, the stitches are out and I'm completely fine," I smiled. 

"By the way, do you think you two will start dating?" Aaron asked.

"How is that relevant in any way, Aaron?" I asked.

"I did say 'by the way'..." Aaron mumbled.

"I don't know," Colby answered. 

"Maybe," I added. We smiled at each other for a second.

"That's a yes, then," Corey stated. I threw a piece of pepperoni at him.

"Shut it," I joked. 


We began to walk to the cars. Devyn and Corey were the furthest behind the group with Jake and Aaron at the front. Sam,  Colby, and I were in the middle. "DEVYN!" Corey yelled from behind. I whipped around, ready to fight. I saw someone holding Devyn off the ground by the waist and was quite a bit far away from Corey. The man didn't bother to wear a mask. I recognised him from the gang that sent that guy to kill me. Oh shit. I ran to Corey, walking ahead of him.

"Let my friend go," I said through gritted teeth.

"Why should I?" he asked.

"Because if you don't you'll be messing with me, and you don't wanna do that, hun," I snapped.

"Funny, last I heard, my buddy stabbed you," he snarled.

"And last I heard, that 'buddy' was dead," we had a stare off for about ten seconds. "Let her go," I said.

"You have to replace her, Octavia," the man said. I sighed.

"Do we have to do this the hard way?" I reached back, pulling out my gun. "Let her the fuck go," I could see the fear in Devyn's eyes, which made my rage build. 


"Yes, bitch," I took a step closer, feeling someone grab my hand to pull me back. I pulled it away without hesitation. "I said let her go," I roared. The man didn't; he just stood there. I aimed my gun. "You let her go or you get shot,"

"Funny how things work out" I saw the gun he had pointed to Devyn's side.

"If you fuckin..."

"Ah ah ah," he said when I started walking towards him. "Her... for you. That's your only choice," he said.

"Octavia..." Colby mumbled.

"Shut up," I snapped. "Bring her here first,"

"Meet in the middle," I nodded. I kept my gun pointed on him. "Come to me,"

"Let her go to Corey,"

"So that's his name, ha, bitch," the man said, looking past me at Corey.

"Let. Devyn. Go. I won't ask again," the man glared at me before finally letting go of Devyn. She ran as fast as she could to Corey. I made sure I saw her get there before turning around to face the guy. 

"Now, gun down. You're coming with me,"

"Now hold on a minute," I said, stopping him in his tracks. "Why?"

"We have some questions for you,"

"You mean torture?" he nodded. 

"What if I don't want to come?"

"Then one of them dies," he gestured to the roommates. I looked at them all. Specifically Colby, obviously. I took a breath. 

"You don't know how much of a badass she is!" Jake yelled.

"Maybe for your world," the man replied. "Now, stop wasting time," I looked back at him. 

"You know, I'd love to come but..." I pulled a ninja move as I knocked the gun out of his hand and pushed him to the ground, holding my dagger to his throat. "I have plans tonight," I said. I looked at the roommates, smiling triumphantly. Colby smiled back. I heard a gunshot then saw Colby's face change as he suddenly dived in front of Sam. Blood appeared on his shirt. "COLBY!" I basically screeched. I ran to him as soon as I could. I couldn't care less about the man. I got to his side, holding his face. "Colby, Colby, look at me. Colby look at me! Colbs?" I felt tears welling in my eyes but I didn't let them fall. His eyes didn't open or look at me or do anything. I stood up, pointing the gun at the man and pulling the trigger. He was standing there smirking until he fell down. 

"He saved me..." Sam muttered. 

"Colby!" I said again. "Colby wake up, Colby!" One tear started to fall so I wiped it from my cheek. "Colby!" my voice cracked. I scrambled to call Steph. "Colby, wake up, dammit!"

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