One Hundred and Thirty-One

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I reached behind the clothes on my side of the closet, pulling out two of my favourite daggers. I added them to the back pack sitting on my bed. I then threw clothes over the top, a few pairs of jeans, shorts, and shirts.

My movements froze for a second at the sound of the front door opening. I quickly stuffed the bag beneath my bed and practically jumped under the covers, pulling them over me and closing my eyes.

Just act asleep. Don't move.

"Babe?" Colby's hushed voice whispered into the room from the doorway. I pretended to stir in my 'sleep'.  A few seconds went by before the bed dipped beside me. His warm hand made contact with my arm and his lips pressed lightly against mine.

I tended in surprise but relaxed under his touch as he slipped under the covers with me and pulled me impossibly close to him. It took everything within me to pull away. "Hey." Our eyes met and my inside filled with butterflies.

"Hey. Having a nap?" I just nodded and rested my head against his chest. Really, I was needing his closeness. I needed him to make me feel better. I wanted him to know everything but he couldn't. He wouldn't be able to do those things for much longer. No matter how much I wanted, needed him to.

"Wow, you've been in here for barely five minutes." My eyes flicked to Kevin in the doorway holding his phone up to film him. I laughed as I sat up and stretched. Colby got out of the bed.

"I don't know. I must have a spell on him." I teased, smirking at Colby, who just playfully rolled his eyes at me. I checked my phone quickly to see the usual texts. The ones causing all of the problems.

"We just got back from the hospital." Kevin was probably posting that video on his Insta while Colby fixed his clothes in the mirror.

"Oh, right. How'd it go?" Just then, on perfect timing, I heard the quiet sob from the other room. "Oh." Kevin led me to the living room where Kat was crying into Sam's chest and Sam was fighting back his own tears.

"Hey, Tave." Sam's voice was strained when he spoke. He was really really trying not to cry.

"Hey." I said softly. I slowly crept forward to them, specifically to Kat. "Did it go... well?" Kat turned to me suddenly for a hug.

"She's not pregnant anymore so I'd say yes." Sam rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. He'd wanted to keep the baby. He didn't want her to have an abortion because he thought it was wrong but Kat has insisted they were too young. I honestly felt so bad. It'd hit her hard for a while.

"Kitty?" The small, cute voice of my oldest daughter filled the new silence. Everyone, including Colby and Kevin, looked up at her in surprise. Colby said he'd take her to her room earlier.

Kat put on her brace face for the child. She reached out and Gracie wasted no time in coming up to her. "What's wrong, Kitty?"

"I um... something happened today that's just really upset me." Kat told her sweetly. Gracie seemed to just stare at her for a moment before pulling her into a hug. Kat's face softened as she hugged back.

"Everything will be okay." She whispered.

Later that day, Colby was spending some time with Sam and Kat at their apartment while I 'cleaned'. Really, I was finishing my packing. What am I packing for? Long story.

I hid the bag back under the bed and took the clothes I was going to wear into the bathroom, hiding them in one of the cupboards. I then took the little notes I'd written to the bedside drawer to hide for a little while.

"Baby!" Colby yelled to me. My head snapped up quickly.

"Yes?" I yelled back. He entered the room and smiled at me, coming up close enough to place a gentle kiss on my lips.

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