Ten - Colby

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Octopus had stopped talking to me. She left all of our calls and texts unanswered. The fans missed her but she never responded to them either.

We were all worried, if we were honest. Anything could have happened that she wasn't able to tell us so she decided to cut us out instead.

"Yo, Colbs?" Corey asked. I raised my eyebrows. "Have you heard from Octopus lately?"

"No, why?" I frowned.

"No reason. It's just unfortunate. You seemed to like her" I pulled a face that made him take back his words. "As a friend" he clarified. I settled for that, I guess.

"Who are you talking about?" Sam asked. He plopped down next to me.

"Octopus" Corey replied. I glanced at my phone a few times. We kept talking in the living room. Watching as our little group grew into the whole house.

We decided to make a video for Aaron's channel. Laughs were shared along with smiles.


"We're going to New York soon dude" Sam said. He'd basically been bouncing around about it for like days.

"I know, Sam" I replied. It was definitely not forced or anything. I leaned back in my seat with my phone. I was scrolling through Instagram, checking out some of the different edits. I saw a few with me and Octopus. They were good, really good. The fans had seen me checking her out once in a while. I couldn't help it though, she was undeniably fit.

"You OK?" he asked. I almost jumped: I'd forgotten he was even there.

"Yeah, just looking at these edits and stuff. There's some with Octopus"

"Really?" Sam rushed to my side. He watched a few of them with me. "Yo, were you checking her out, bro?"

"Listen, shut up" I said. He held his smile back. I knew full well that I'd be teased forever now.

Soul - Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now