Seventeen - Octavia

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Why had he followed me? "What's wrong?" I asked. He looked at me blankly. I reached out to grab his hand, he didn't reject me. "Is something going on?" What was happening right now?

"I thought... I thought I'd just... I'd say bye" he said. Something about how he said it made me doubt that.

"Is that really why you came out here?"

"I don't know why" he locked eyes with me for the first time out here. Our faces got closer until... the front door swung open. I backed away and pulled my hand to my side. 

"Yo, what you doing?" Blondie asked.

"He was going to get something from his car then I struck up a conversation with him," I said. I was good at lying. 

"What did you need?" Sam asked, running down the steps then walking to Bieber's side. 

"I forgot, it probably wasn't that important anyway," he said. They both walked inside after saying bye to me. I got in my car quickly.


"Hey, Cactus, how's the job going?" I asked. I leaned back in my seat.

"Good. We got some good people here. I'm going to New York tomorrow, gonna start there" he replied.

"Good thinking, by the way," I said.

"I saw you in those videos. That boy, Colby, right? He seems cool"

"Yeah, he is"

"Is there anything going on there?" Cactus had an obvious suggestion tone in his voice.

"No!" I said quickly.

"That quick answer means yes"

"Shut up, bro" I laughed.

"That is a YES!" he exclaimed.

"Oh, I can't hear you... there's some... sta... b..." I ended the call on him. 

I looked at the videos and watched all of them. I'm an absolute badass. As I went down to the comments I realised the fans actually liked me. 'Look at how Octavia and Colby look at each other', 'I know it's so cute!', I don't know what crack you're on but it's disgusting', 'yeah Colby deserves better', 'you're just hating', you just want attention', 'she's clearly a great girl'.

It hurt but was heartwarming at the same time. What is happening to me? Just a few months ago I couldn't care less about anyone but my family and my crew. Now I had a huge friend group and a fan following that I cared about? That I wanted to see? Shit's changed.

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