Forty-Four - Colby

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"What do you thinks gonna happen when you all move out of the house?" Octavia asked. That wasn't as far away as I'd like it to be.

"I don't know completely," I said. We were walking around an abandoned place that we didn't need to be quiet at - it had no security and no one else knew about it, really. We were holding hands and Sam, Corey, and Elton were walking elsewhere in the building.

It'd been a week since the prank Corey pulled. Yes, a week already. She looked up at my face. "Why? Are you worried?" I asked.

"A little. It's mainly the fact that you guys are a force to be reckoned with in that house. You may not realise it now but you're all gonna be heartbroken when you have to leave. All the memories you guys have made already! Let alone the next, what? Three months that you have left? I know it's not long but it's simultaneously so much time. You're all living separately, right?" she asked.

"Uh, yeah. Even me and Sam. Damn, I'm gonna miss him!" I suddenly realised just how much I'd miss him. Sure we fought sometimes but that guy's my brother.

"Of course you're gonna miss him! Didn't you already figure that out?"

"Well, yeah. Anyway. Aaron, Jake, Sam, and I are going to be completely separate and, obviously, Corey and Devyn are moving together," I explained.

"I just can't believe it's nearly over!" Octavia exclaimed. "I'm gonna have to learn a new address and go to that address every day now, instead!" I smiled at the idea of that.

"At least I won't be completely alone," I said. She pulled me to a hug.

"Of course you won't," she pulled away with a smile. "Plus, for the first few months, you've all made arrangements to still eat dinner together, haven't you? I'm joining, by the way"

"I'm sure none of us will have an issue with that," I stated. That was a fact. The days when Octavia couldn't visit due to her gang, the roommates would all talk about her. They'd say how it wasn't the same without her and I completely agreed, obviously. I pecked her lips right as I saw a flashlight shining in the doorway, headed over here.

"Colby? Octavia?" Sam's voice asked.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Thank god, we weren't sure where you guys went!" Sam exclaimed.

"We were just exploring this area,"

"Guys! I found them!" Sam yelled. "We're about to head out, come on," he said as he began walking away. Octavia walked after him, pulling on my hand. I reluctantly followed. I wanted to keep talking to her. I had something to say and I wanted to say it right now. I just followed her out to the front of the building.

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