Thirteen - Octavia

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"Dom! What's good man!" I exclaimed. Dom and I shared a fist-bump. He looked confused as we'd never actually met before.

"Um, hello?" Dom said.

"Dom, this is Octavia" David introduced. Natalie sat down on the couch, immediately pulling her phone out of her pocket. David stood with his camera and Dom and Alex were just on the other couch. 

"Hi," Dom said more confidently. 

"Hi, Alex," I said. He waved. "Dom, you got any weed?" I asked. Everyone looked at me - including David's camera lens.

"Uh, yeah. It's just in my room. Want me to get some?" Dom asked. 

"Go for it" I replied. Dom walked away and David shoved the camera closer to my face.

"You smoke weed?" David asked.

"Hell yeah" I replied.

"That's one more non-law abiding citizen in my vlogs," David said. He sat down as Dom came back with a bag. I took it from him and prepared it, starting to smoke. "What else should we know about you?" David asked.

"I know how to handle guns and..." I pulled out the dagger from the back of my waistband like a ninja "knives" they all flinched, making me hold a laugh.

"Fucking hell!" David exclaimed.

"Are you a ninja?" Alex asked.

"Am I high" David laughed and pointed the camera at Dom.

"Of course you're the one who asks that," David said. We all laughed. 

"To answer Alex's question, no I am not a ninja," I said, calming down.

"Then what are you?" David asked.

"I can't say that" I replied.

"Why not?" Alex asked. I glanced at Dom and Natalie to see how interested they were.

"Let's just say I got some... friends that are very similar to me. A group of us" I hinted. If they figured it out I'd be impressed. Not two seconds later, a light bulb visibly clicked on in Alex's head.

"Is that your way of saying you're in a gang?" he asked. I just smiled. David seemed to back up a bit.

"Definitely not," I said sarcastically. 

"Oh my god! For real?" Dom asked. He was back to this reality.

"No," sarcasm again. 

"How much money would I have to give you to make out with Octavia?" David asked Alex.

"What? Why?" Alex asked, confused.

"Because she'll make out with anybody," David replied.

"True" I replied. 

"Uh, no. I don't do that David" Alex started to raise his voice. 

"What about all those other times?" David asked. "With Corrina?"

"Well, that was a different time, David" Alex stood up to face David.

"That was yesterday!" David shot back. Alex paused.

"Shush!" he yelled, smashing his foot through the small white table. We all started laughing. I gave Dom the rest of my weed as I sat down, not wanting to get too high. 

"When's the last time you shot a gun?" David asked. I sat back in thought. Well, the 'pool party' was about a week ago and the last two jobs had required an injury so...

"About two days" I replied.

"Who did you shoot?"

"What, David, what. It was a target" I lied. David bought it easily. 

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