Five - Octavia

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It was strange how friendly Bieber had been for the last two weeks. He'd text me every day and asked how I was. It puzzled me. No one had ever done that for me before and I wasn't sure why he was. I could've just forgotten him but he insisted on talking to me. Every day. For at least one hour. Sometimes three.

Part of me enjoyed talking to him. He was nice. But I knew the dangers of having friends outside of the Rowland gang. It was called that because it was me and Callum's surname.

The last year had been a bit of a roller coaster in terms of leadership for the Rowland gang. My parents originally lead the gang, with me and my brother both the heirs and the current advisors but then something happened. My parents were attacked, I say my parents, my father was attacked. The Police could believe what they wanted but we knew it was a hate crime. My father was black, my mother white. She was left untouched yet he was left with so many injuries he died in hospital.

Me and my brother were immediately suspected due to the lack of sadness but it's how we were raised. We didn't feel anything for anyone. Never had and never will.

That left us mixed race. I liked my skin colour. I could be classed as either race, black or white, but I was mostly classed as black - since I was too 'coloured' to be classed as white, even a white with a tan. Again I'd didn't care anyway. Call me what you want.

Callum, on the other hand, was always classed as black

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Callum, on the other hand, was always classed as black. My mother had some impact on his skin though because he wasn't quite as black as dad.

 My mother had some impact on his skin though because he wasn't quite as black as dad

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People mistook us for bf and gf so much I'd given up responding to them. They could fuck off as far as I was concerned. No need to butt in our business to start with.

I was invited to go to an abandoned mall with the four B's (Beard, Bun, Blondie, and Bieber) so I had accepted. Callum said that I should have somewhat of a life outside of this gang. I wanted him to tell me no. To tell me to go home instead. To tell me I'm being stupid. But he didn't. He was supportive. He was happy for me. He was glad.

I had decided that my car would be better suited to go to the house in, especially as it wouldn't show off my gun so easily.

I also decided that these clothes:

Along with my trusty jacket that hides my weapons and my hair being like:

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Along with my trusty jacket that hides my weapons and my hair being like:

Along with my trusty jacket that hides my weapons and my hair being like:

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Would be appropriate to go to this place in.

I sat leaned back in my chair in the corner of the warehouse that Callum now owned. I hadn't noticed the time until he yelled to me, "aren't you going to be late to meet your friends?" then I'd ran. I ran out fast.

When I pulled up outside the mansion the four B's lived in, I got a rush of adrenaline from what we were about to do.

I ensured my jacket covered my gun and climbed out of the car. The 4B's stood on the front steps. "Hey! You asked us to call you Octopus, right?" Beard asked. I nodded.

"Why is that?" Blondie frowned.

"Because then I don't have to tell you my name. And though I know all yours, I gave you all nicknames and now you're the 4B's."

"The 4B's?" Bun puzzled over it mentally but showed that struggle physically.

"Yes, Beard, Bun, Blondie, and Bieber" they all laughed at Bieber. I expected them to.

"That's really not funny" he said. I shrugged.

"Don't care. I don't use names unless their family" they nodded.

"Understood" Bun mumbled.

"Shall we go?" I asked. I was long ready to leave.

"Yes, let's go" Bieber said. He was clearly still not impressed. I rushed to the car I was directed to. This was going to be a night. I could feel it.

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